Business intelligence as code: build fast, interactive data visualizations in SQL and markdown
- 12
[Bug]: SQLite: Error: Unknown Error
#2836 opened by luanmuniz - 0
[Bug]: DataTable doesn't update when groupBy is used and the query changes the data
#2850 opened by ebardelli - 0
[Bug]: Cannot connect to bigquery using keyfile
#2867 opened by archiewood - 3
Handling "Error: Unknown Error" during build
#2873 opened by dawilco - 0
- 0
[Feature]: bin width control for this histogram
#2868 opened by chapeaupaul - 0
[Bug]: Interconnected Filters Not Refreshing Properly
#2828 opened by chapeaupaul - 4
[Bug]: Null DataTable links break build
#2851 opened by archiewood - 1
[Bug]: weightedMean aggregation of percent change in DataTables doesn't handle nulls and zeros correctly
#2852 opened by nickfanion - 4
[Bug]: Trino - ZodError on simple query
#2823 opened by andreapiso - 1
[Bug]: Build fails when using base path
#2841 opened by owenmorris - 3
- 2
- 1
- 2
[Feature]: DateInput
#2824 opened by archiewood - 2
Analyze chart rendering for prerendering tests
#2704 opened by zachstence - 0
- 2
[Bug]: DataTable sort icons cause ugly wrapping
#2711 opened by hughess - 2
[Feature]: seriesFmt
#2800 opened by archiewood - 1
Better docs previews
#2675 opened by zachstence - 0
[Bug]: AreaMap legend prop does not accept strings
#2683 opened by hughess - 0
[Bug]: Build logs lead to confusing outcomes
#2684 opened by hughess - 0
- 0
[Bug]: AreaMap cannot use numeric fields from geojson
#2702 opened by hughess - 0
[Bug]: USMap abbreviations prop does not accept strings
#2767 opened by hughess - 0
- 2
[Bug]: The following routes were marked as prerenderable /manifest.webmanifest
#2820 opened by spinscale - 0
[Bug]: Dropdown and ButtonGroup are not the same height
#2797 opened by hughess - 0
[Bug]: Node 18 - TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined
#2802 opened by archiewood - 0
[Bug]: Grouped Datatable sort not sorting strings
#2764 opened by kwongz - 1
Release the VSCode extension to enable node 22 support
#2792 opened by archiewood - 0
- 3
Support for Node 22
#2775 opened by mcrascal - 0
[Bug]: `DimensionGrid` doesn't SSR data
#2765 opened by csjh - 0
Improve Evidence upgrade experience in VS Code extension
#2758 opened by hughess - 0
First class support for s3, parquet connectors
#2757 opened by mcrascal - 6
[Bug]: Bar chart inside Data Table should align to the right when Column aligns right
#2725 opened by kmitchener - 0
[Bug]: Point Map example does not include OpenStreetMap attribution
#2743 opened by gregorywaynepower - 0
[Bug]: Error component in front of dropdown
#2719 opened by archiewood - 3
[Bug]: Wrong dates in DateRange
#2724 opened by igorgukasyan - 1
Chromatic action doesn't get changes in PRs from forks
#2720 opened by zachstence - 0
#2716 opened by zachstence - 0
[Bug]: Non SQL CodeBlock rendering causes CLS & FOUC
#2703 opened by archiewood - 0
[Bug]: X-axis labels on line chart appears misaligned when using month-end data
#2696 opened by mjbloch - 1
[Bug]: Dropdown input select null handling
#2695 opened by kwongz - 5
[Bug]: DuckDB source fails build with Git LFS
#2689 opened by archiewood - 1
- 8
[Bug]: Build fails on AWS CodeBuild
#2682 opened by RoeeEidan - 0
[Docs]: Templated Page common link problems
#2685 opened by hughess - 0
VSCode Extension: Workaround for "The following routes were marked as prerenderable: - /path/to/[page_name]"
#2678 opened by archiewood