- 4
When opened with Office, it's garbled, but with WPS, it opens normally.
#140 opened by huangwenboha563 - 0
Images Not Scaling Correctly in DOCX
#144 opened by jagthapsaurabh - 12
#136 opened by wangzhipeng666 - 1
How to remove header and footer from first page(title page) of DOCX (html to docx)
#124 opened by jyotisonghare - 2
first page header not working
#134 opened by victorrwangrinan - 1
different footer
#130 opened by Siddufed - 2
is it possible to switch page-orientation? some pages landscape and some portrait?
#111 opened by Haiyang2017 - 1
Error: webpack < 5 used to include polyfills for node.js core modules by default
#143 opened by andreeapurta - 0
How to divide columns
#142 opened by coder77good - 6
- 0
How to implement pagination
#141 opened by coder77good - 1
Is there possibility for page number in footer?
#126 opened by vinaymehta88 - 0
Is it possible to generate table of contents?
#139 opened by VikrantKamble93 - 2
#131 opened by Snorrski - 0
- 1
How to get XML string (not blob)
#122 opened by Ademking - 2
Generated Doc in unsupported or corrupted
#113 opened by kunwar97 - 0
- 5
Converting AltChunk to "Standard" Docx
#114 opened by aviv-or - 1
margin、br 不生效
#135 opened by xuguanqun - 1
new line with comma
#127 opened by llv20 - 4
How to resize Image <img> using css
#105 opened by danielsantoso - 5
styling issue with table
#115 opened by thangkieu - 2
- 0
#133 opened by yjun666 - 0
Demo is not working
#132 opened by yuseferi - 4
Images are not working in Word 2019 for Mac
#129 opened by xmedeko - 1
- 3
- 1
add header and footer content
#121 opened by salemsap - 0
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'toDataURL' on 'HTMLCanvasElement': Tainted canvases may not
#120 opened by frankfang7 - 1
Page border in docx file using html-docx-js
#117 opened by josongvmtechphp - 3
some styling issues
#98 opened by thiagorova - 0
Makro to the Word file
#108 opened by shiloma - 0
Dependency vulnerabilities: lodash.merge
#107 opened by rahilka - 1
#104 opened by liuqihappy - 0
Must the node. JS environment work?
#106 opened by liuqihappy - 0
Update lodash.merge
#103 opened by JM2707 - 1
“Uncaught SyntaxError: Strict mode code may not include a with statement” error after building an Angular app
#100 opened by Anexo - 0
- 0
- 0
add file to email
#97 opened by guypeled1 - 1
it is not working, live demo or sample.html
#95 opened by QiShaoXuan - 4
Adding an image watermark
#93 opened by myuce - 2
Empty file on https
#94 opened by myuce - 1
Generated file make MS Word is not responding
#92 opened by dungdt2 - 1
margin-left or padding-left do not work
#91 opened by alexanderdevm - 0
Font issue from styles.xml
#90 opened by bba278 - 1
Set table cell height
#89 opened by bba278 - 0
npm install not working on windows
#88 opened by park-brian