Description: This script for generating zabbix monthly, weekly, daily monitor item report.
1 zabbix 1.8 version and zabbix's MySQL database need to be installed.
2 python2.4 or laster version need to be installed.
3 MySQLdb , xlwt and xlrd need to be installed.
1 Adding the script to the zabbix's MySQL database server's crontab.
e.g 01 00 * * * /work/opt/
2 Updating the MySQL connection variables in the script:
user = 'report_user'
password = 'report_passwd'
database = 'zabbix'
3 Adding the Items into the keys tuple and Item's threshold value in the thre_dic dictionary, for example.
keys = ("cpuload","disk_usage","network_in","network_out")
thre_dic = {"cpuload":15,"disk_usage":85,"network_in":409600,"network_out":409600}