Alexsis is a quick and dirty bot made with Python and love, meant to make it easier to perform various kinds of malware analysis, and more fun!
- Malshare API key
- Virustotal API key
- Discord bot token
- A in the same path as, with the following variables
- discordToken = <your_token>
- malshareApi = <your_key>
- virustotalApi = <your_key>
- pathTo7z = <path_to_7zip_exe>
- pathToVxCage = <path_to_malware_folder>
- ownerId = <your_discord_id>
Currently the bot is meant to be run on Windows, but by replacing the paths, and getting a linux version of 7zip (or using tar) its possible to run it on Linux
To install simply do
git clone
cd Alexsis
pip install -r requirements.txt
Remember to add the file in the same directory as, with the required values.
Alexsis uses "mal [space]" as a prefix.
To get a list of available commands
mal menu
- Create better command names
- Add functionality to analyse EXE files, using modules like PeFile
- YARA functionality?
- Linux version?
- New prefix
The bot includes functionality to download real malware, which it will store on whatever computer/server you run the bot from.
So be careful, and don't run the bot on your personal home computer, get a dedicated VPS.
To be extra safe, run the command in icalc.txt on the folder you want to use as a temporary folder for malware