
A simple GitWeb to MantisBT connection

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A simple GitWeb to MantisBT connection

This tool populates GitWeb pages with links to related MantisBT issues:

  • for commits, shows link to the corresponding issue,
  • for branches (heads), shows color indication of the issue status, summary, and link to it.

This connection was initailly developed for use on Open CASCADE Technology Collaborative development portal and tested with GitWeb 1.7.2.x and MantisBT 1.2.x. See it in action:


To take advantage of this connection you should do 3 steps:

  1. Use naming conventions: - encode issue number in branch name: git checkout -b CR0012345_v2, where CR - a prefix (CR means "Contribution Request"), 0012345 - issue number in MantisBT, v2 - suffix. A RegExp pattern for branch name is configurable. - include issue number in the first line of a commit message, e.g. git commit -m "0012345: Issue Summary".

  2. Tune your configuration (bugtrackerURL, etc.) editing bugtrackerConnection_config variable in bugtrackerConnection.js file and put the file to your GitWeb directory. Plug it, e.g. by editing GitWeb header.html file as follows: ... <script src="bugtrackerConnection.js"></script> ...

    Don't use "async" attribute of <script> tag.

  3. Put a getBugsInfo.php file to some directory on MantisBT side, e.g. <MantisBT root>/plugins/SubsidiaryServices/php/.

That's it!

How it works

When a GitWeb page is loaded, the bugtrackerConnection.js script parses an HTML and searches for branch names and commits containing issue numbers. This script gathers all the issue numbers and asks the getBugsInfo.php on MantisBT side for more information (issue subjects and statuses) in JSONP requests. Then the bugtrackerConnection.js script updates HTML page properly.

Please note that the described approach allows to fetch issue subject and status anonymously. It does not matter whether an issue is public or private.