
Primary LanguagePython

SlackTest Part 2



  1. install fabric
  2. initialize the cotton submodule
  3. copy your SSH public key to build/keys/deploy.pub

Fix Spurious Errors On Host Pre-Init

cd build && fab -H [IP] -u root fixup

The fixup task will correct the following issues:

  • force close all open filehandles for unlinked files in the /tmp/ dir by terminating the processes holding them open
  • stop processes that shouldn't be running (eg, the nc instance bound to
  • remove all firewall rules set to DROP packets on the INPUT chain
  • upload a valid /etc/resolv.conf
  • upload a valid /etc/hosts

Bootstrap the Host for Production

fab -H [IP] -u root init

Deploy the hello-world Application

fab -H [IP] ship

Ubuntu Production Configuration Notes:

Installed Packages

  • sudo
  • ufw
  • fail2ban
  • git-core
  • vim
  • build-essential
  • python2.7
  • python-setuptools
  • python-dev
  • python-pip
  • python-virtualenv
  • bsd-mailx
  • apache2
  • php5
  • libapache2-modsecurity

(Certain packages, like the python bits, git, and build-essential are for the build/release toolset)


  • ServerSignature Off
  • ServerTokens Prod
  • Timeout = 10
  • LimitRequestBody = 4096
  • KeepAliveTimeout = 3
  • MaxKeepAliveRequests = 256
  • ListenBacklog 8191


  • expose_php off
  • zlib.output_compression = On
  • zlib.output_compression_level = 6
  • allow_url_fopen = Off
  • allow_url_include = Off
  • session.cookie_httponly = 1
  • disable_functions += system, show_source, symlink, exec, dl, shell_exec, passthru, phpinfo, escapeshellarg, escapeshellcmd,


  • PasswordAuthentication no (skipped for test)
  • PermitRootLogin forced-commands-only (skipped for test)
  • AllowGroups staff (+ root for test)


  • allow ssh only from known administrative IPs (skipped for test)
  • allow incoming tcp 80 from anywhere
  • install fail2ban

Unattended Upgrades

  • Unattended-Upgrade::Mail "root@localhost";

Kernel Tuning

  • socket backlog tuning params to match apache's ListenBacklog

Other Considerations

  • consider restricting inbound HTTP requests to those proxied by the load balancer
  • tune the mpm_preform module, setting StartServers, MaxClients, etc based on performance-testing of the app
  • consider libapache2-modevasive if DDoSes are high risk, or aren't addressed at the load balancer/edge
  • consider chrooting SSHD, apache2, etc if a strong case can be made for it
  • disable ARP for VIP, if application nodes are in a cluster system
  • vanilla settings for fail2ban may need adjusting depending on local traffic/attack patterns
  • tuning net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_* and net.core.?mem_* should be considered after application profiling
  • mail aliases should be set to handle system/app mail properly, in concert with global mail policies
  • backups!

About Users

  • Hosts will contain a user, deploy, which has unfettered sudo access and SSH access. This is the user that is responsible for deploying code and executing tasks on the remote hosts
  • A second user, hello, has no sudo access and in production would have no SSH access; this is the user under which any application-specific processes would execute (eg. php-fpm, django/uwsgi, cron jobs, etc)