
BashSnippets is a Visual Studio Code extension that provides a collection of snippets for bash scripting.

MIT LicenseMIT


BashSnippets is a Visual Studio Code extension that provides a collection of snippets for bash scripting.


Here is a list of all the snippets and their triggers included in this extension:

  • shebang: Shebang
  • e: Echo
  • fn: Function
  • fnd: Function in a library with definitions of params and exports
  • if: if block
  • ife: if else block
  • elif: elif block
  • until: until block
  • main: a main function declaration with passthrough of all parameters passed to the file
  • const: creates a local readonly variable ie. a constant (this is meant for use within functions only)
  • todo: creates a local readonly variable ie. a constant
  • array: Creates an array with two elements
  • forarray: Creates a loop echoing all variables in an array
  • forindex: Creates a loop echoing all indexes in a range
  • while: while loop
  • case: case statement
  • for: for loop
  • read: read input
  • param: parameter expansion
  • trap: trap statement
  • here: here document
  • herestring: here string
  • herestringdelim: here string with delimiter
  • heredocdelim: here document with delimiter
  • heredocEOF: here document with EOF
  • heredocEOFdelim: here document with EOF and delimiter
  • herestringEOF: here string with EOF
  • herestringEOFdelim: here string with EOF and delimiter
  • herestringdelim: here string with delimiter
  • export: Export a variable
  • source: Source a file
  • alias: Create an alias
  • test: Test condition
  • paramsub: Parameter expansion with substring
  • paramrep: Parameter expansion with pattern replacement
  • paramlen: Parameter expansion with length of variable
  • paramdef: Parameter expansion with default value
  • paramasg: Parameter expansion with assignment of default value
  • paramerr: Parameter expansion with error message if variable is unset or null
  • paramsuf: Parameter expansion with removal of smallest suffix pattern
  • parambig: Parameter expansion with removal of largest suffix pattern
  • parampre: Parameter expansion with removal of smallest prefix pattern
  • parambigpre: Parameter expansion with removal of largest prefix pattern
  • paramrepdef : - Parameter expansion with replacement and default value
  • cd : - Change directory
  • mkdir : - Make directory
  • touch : - Create a new file
  • rm : - Remove a file
  • ls : - List directory contents
  • grep : - Search for a pattern in a file
  • find : - Find files in a directory
  • tar : - Create a tar archive
  • untar : - Extract a tar archive
  • wget : - Download a file from the internet
  • curl : - Transfer data from or to a server
  • chmod : - Change file permissions
  • chown : - Change file owner and group
  • chgrp : - Change file group
  • ps : - List running processes
  • kill : - Kill a process
  • top : - Display Linux processes
  • free : - Display amount of free and used memory in the system
  • df : - Display disk usage
  • du : - Display disk usage statistics
  • uname : - Print system information
  • date : - Display the system date and time
  • uptime : - Show how long the system has been running
  • who : - Show who is logged on
  • w : - Show who is logged on and what they are doing
  • finger : - Display information about user
  • id : - Print real and effective user and group IDs
  • last : - Show last logins of users and ttys
  • whoami : - Print the effective userid
  • groups : - Print the groups a user is in
  • hostname : - Print the system hostname
  • dmesg : - Print or control the kernel ring buffer
  • lsmod : - Show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel
  • lspci : - List all PCI devices
  • lsusb : - List all USB devices
  • lscpu : - Display information about the CPU architecture
  • lsblk : - List block devices
  • lshw : - List hardware
  • lsscsi : - List SCSI devices
  • lsdev : - List devices
  • checknet : - Check if the internet is on or off
  • checknetdns : - Check if the internet is on or off using DNS
  • checknetdnsretry : - Check if the internet is on or off using DNS and retry every 5 seconds
  • checknetdnsretrytimeout : - Check if the internet is on or off using DNS and retry every 5 seconds with a timeout of 60 seconds
  • checknetdnsretrytimeouterr : - Check if the internet is on or off using DNS and retry every 5 seconds with a timeout of 60 seconds and an error message
  • checknetdnsretrytimeouterrex : - Check if the internet is on or off using DNS and retry every 5 seconds with a timeout of 60 seconds and an error message and exit
  • casepattern : - case statement with pattern matching
  • select : - select loop for menu-like interfaces
  • getopts : - getopts loop for processing command-line options
  • fileexist : - check if a file exists
  • direxist : - check if a directory exists
  • fileread : - check if a file is readable
  • filewrite : - check if a file is writable
  • fileexec : - check if a file is executable
  • fileowner : - check if a file is owned by the user
  • filegroup : - check if a file is owned by the group
  • fileempty : - check if a file is empty
  • filesize : - check if a file is larger than 0 bytes
  • filetype : - check the type of a file
  • fileperm : - check the permissions of a file
  • fileage : - check the age of a file
  • filecontent : - check the content of a file
  • filecontentregex : - check the content of a file with a regex
  • filecontentregexcase : - check the content of a file with a case insensitive regex
  • filecontentregexword : - check the content of a file with a whole word regex
  • filecontentregexwordcase : - check the content of a file with a whole word case insensitive regex
  • filecontentregexwordlinenum : - check the content of a file with a whole word regex and line number
  • filecontentregexwordcaselinenum : - check the content of a file with a whole word case insensitive regex and line number
  • filecontentregexwordlinenumfile : - check the content of a file with a whole word regex and line number and file name
  • filecontentregexwordcaselinenumfile : - check the content of a file with a whole word case insensitive regex and line number and file name
  • filecontentregexwordlinenumfilecount : - check the content of a file with a whole word regex and line number and file name and count
  • filecontentregexwordcaselinenumfilecount : - check the content of a file with a whole word case insensitive regex and line number and file name and count
  • filecontentregexwordlinenumfilecounterr : - check the content of a file with a whole word regex and line number and file name and count and error message
  • filecontentregexwordcaselinenumfilecounterr : - check the content of a file with a whole word case insensitive regex and line number and file name and count and error message
  • filecontentregexwordlinenumfilecounterrex : - check the content of a file with a whole word regex and line number and file name and count and error message and exit
  • filecontentregexwordcaselinenumfilecounterrex : - check the content of a file with a whole word case insensitive regex and line number and file name and count and error message and exit
  • whilecond : - while loop with a specified condition
  • break : - break statement to exit a loop or switch statement
  • continue : - continue statement to skip the rest of a loop and start the next iteration
  • sleep : - pause the script for a specified number of seconds
  • awk : - AWK one-liner for text processing
  • sed : - SED one-liner for text processing
  • tail : - display the last part of a file
  • head : - display the first part of a file
  • sort : - sort lines of text files
  • uniq : - report or filter out repeated lines in a file
  • cut : - remove sections from each line of a file
  • paste : - merge lines of files
  • awkscript : - AWK script template
  • sedscript : - SED script template
  • grepcolor : - search for a pattern in a file with color
  • greplinenum : - search for a pattern in a file with line number
  • grepword : - search for a pattern in a file as a whole word
  • grepwordlinenum : - search for a pattern in a file as a whole word with line number
  • grepwordlinenumfile : - search for a pattern in a file as a whole word with line number and file name
  • grepwordlinenumfilecount : - search for a pattern in a file as a whole word with line number and file name and count
  • grepwordlinenumfilecounterrex : - search for a pattern in a file as a whole word with line number and file name and count and error message
  • grepwordlinenumfilecounterrexexit : - search for a pattern in a file as a whole word with line number and file name and count and error message and exit
  • grepwordlinenumfilecounterrexexitcase : - search for a pattern in a file as a whole word with line number and file name and count and error message and exit and case insensitive
  • forfile : - loop through files in a directory
  • casepat : - case statement with a specific pattern
  • select : - create a select menu in a script
  • fnparam : - function with parameters and default values
  • ifempty : - if statement for checking if a variable is null or an empty string
  • untilcond : - until loop with a specified condition
  • casemulti : - case statement with multiple patterns
  • loopexec : - execute a command in a loop for each element in a collection
  • iffileexists : - if statement for checking if a file exists
  • ifdirexists : - if statement for checking if a directory exists
  • ifcommandexists : - if statement for checking if a command exists in the system
  • readfile : - read lines from a file in a loop
  • fnvarargs : - function with a variable number of arguments
  • forlineinfile : - loop through lines in a file
  • getscriptdir : - get the directory of the script
  • caseesac : - case statement with esac
  • ifinstalled : - check if a program is installed
  • ifroot : - check if a user has root privileges
  • outputtofile : - redirecting output to a file
  • outputerrorstofile : - redirecting output and errors to a file
  • ifreadable : - if statement for checking if a file is readable
  • ifwritable : - if statement for checking if a file is writable
  • ifexecutable : - if statement for checking if a file is executable
  • ifsubstring : - if statement for checking if a string contains a substring
  • ifstartswith : - if statement for checking if a string starts with a prefix
  • ifendswith : - if statement for checking if a string ends with a suffix
  • commentblock : - useful comment block
  • readvalidate : - read and validate user input


  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. Press Ctrl+P to open the Quick Open dialog
  3. Type ext install WaseemAkram.bashnsippets to find the extension
  4. Click the Install button, then the Enable button


To use the snippets, open a Bash file, and start typing the name of a snippet. You'll see a dropdown list of suggestions. You can navigate through this list with Up and Down arrow keys. To insert a snippet, press Enter.


If you have suggestions for improving the BashSnippets, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


MIT © Waseem Akram


If you like this extension, you can support me by:


Waseem Akram