
Exception when importing BrachioGraph

littlezaphod opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, forgive me if this a trivial question (python beginner) but when importing the module:

from brachiograph import BrachioGraph
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/home/pi/BrachioGraph/brachiograph.py", line 608
raise Exception(f"Cannot reach {hypotenuse}; total arm length is {self.INNER_ARM + self.OUTER_ARM}")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


This is using f-strings which are a new feature in Python 3.6, so you need to use at least this version.

having same issue. does anyone have a best practices for upgrading the python on a pi zero? I am in the pi forums and it looks like a lot of people are having issues with upgrading the version

I upgraded python to 3.6. See google for procedure. You have to essentially pull the python sources and build on the Pi. Takes about 1h on a Pi zero. After upgrading you need to pull in the packages needed by brachiograph.
This got me going, and I am now plotting stuff!
Great project!

@willward1, @littlezaphod

The current stable Debian version (buster) comes with Python 3.7, so it seems like you are still using an older version of Debian.