
A simple and clean way to share Bash profiles, reusable libraries, and commands across hosts and teams

Primary LanguageShell

What is Base?

Base is a way for Bash users to organize the following across multiple hosts:

  • .bash_profile
  • .bashrc
  • generic Bash libraries and commands
  • company specific Bash libraries and commands
  • team specific Bash libraries and commands
  • user specific settings (aliases, functions, Bash settings)
  • share Bash libraries and commands across teams

How can I get set up?

You can get set up in a very short time. Essentially, this is what you have to do:

  • Check out Base. The standard convention is $HOME/git/base. In case your git directory is elsewhere, symlink it to $HOME/git.
  • Consolidate your profile specifics from your current .bash_profile and .bashrc into <yourname>.sh file. Place this file under base/user directory.
  • Make a backup of your .bash_profile. Replace this file with a symlink to base/lib/bash_profile.
  • Make a backup of your .bashrc. Replace this file with a symlink to base/lib/bashrc.

Here is the code:

cd $HOME
mkdir git && cd git
git clone git@github.com:codeforester/base.git
cd $HOME
mv .bash_profile .bash_profile.safe && ln -sf $HOME/git/base/lib/bash_profile .bash_profile
mv .bashrc       .bashrc.safe       && ln -sf $HOME/git/base/lib/bashrc       .bashrc

How does Base work?

In a typical setting .bashrc sources in $BASE_HOME/base_init.sh which does the following:

  • sources in lib/stdlib.sh, and user/<user>.sh if it exists, in that order
  • updates $PATH to include the relevant bin directories
    • $BASE_HOME/company/bin is always added
    • $BASE_HOME/team/$BASE_TEAM/bin is added if $BASE_TEAM is set in user/<user>.sh
    • $BASE_HOME/team/$BASE_TEAM/bin is added for each team defined in $BASE_SHARED_TEAMS (space-separated string), set in user/<user>.sh

Directory structure

Screenshot of directory structure

Environment variables



My git location is not $HOME/git/base. What should I do?

You can either * specify your base location in $HOME/.baserc, like


* symlink `$HOME/git/base` to the right place

You need to do this on every host where you want base.

I don't want to keep my personal settings private, and not in git. What should I do?

Do one of the following:

* write a one-liner in `user/<user>.sh` like this:

    source /path/to/your.settings

* add the following code to your .bashrc:

    export BASE_HOME=/path/to/base
    source "$BASE_HOME/base_init.sh"

In both these cases, you need to manage your files manually, outside git.

I do want to use the default settings. What should I do?

Add this to your user/<user>.sh file:

import lib/base_defaults.sh

I want to make sure I keep my base repository updated always. How can I do it?

Add this to your user/<user>.sh file:



You can turn on debug mode by touching $HOME/.base_debug file. You can also do the same by setting environment variable BASE_DEBUG to 1. You can add set -x to $HOME/.baserc file to trace the execution.