
Local Copr installation using docker/vagrant/virtualbox

Primary LanguageRuby

Local copr installation

Purpose: testing, show-case. Not realy production ready, you still need to read/edit some files, become familiar with copr components.

Host machine requirements

  • docker
  • virtualbox
  • vagrant
  • [ base builder image ]


  • copr-frontend and copr-backend are executed inside docker, referenced as front and back
  • back has ssh access to the host machine where it spawns builder VMs using vagrant
  • back has access to front through docker linking



  • select(create) a user on host ($USER) machine which should be able to use docker, vargrant, virtualbox
  • execute add_lo_ip_addrs.sh to add local IPs to bind dockerised HTTP servers to.
  • add content of etc-hosts-addition to your /etc/hosts for convinience


  • cd docker-copr-frontend

  • build docker image using command:


  • run front using script ./run_frontend.sh

  • you should be able to see Copr running in browser at http://front.test

Back & VM provider

  • cd docker-copr-backend

  • generate ssh keypair, so that builder could ssh to the host, save private key as ./builder_id_rsa

  • [ - replace cloud/ssh_keys/vagrant_insecure_privkey if it was changed by vagrant or your distribution]

  • do cp cloud/priv_vars.yml{.example,} and replace username with $USER

  • edit cloud/vars.yml to select vagrant source boxes. To improve performance create your own vagrant box from provisioned instance. If you changed variable base_img_name update line config.vm.box = "f20_builder" in cloud/Vagrantfile

  • build docker image using command:


  • run back using script ./run_backend.sh

  • back should be able to process builds


I was forced to disable SELinux on host, it prevented ssh connection from docker to host/builder VM. Troubleshooting tool was unable to generate semodule to allow such connection. If somebody has ideas how to fix it and re-enable SELinux please ping me.