############################################################## ## ## Q U I Z B O T ! ! ## ## This program is a perl script which connects to an IRC ## server and hosts a game of trivia. It has many neat ## features including polls, online editing of questions, ## problem question flagging and review, and several question ## variations such as "shotgun" to keep things interesting. ############################################################## INSTALLATION: Things are still a little rough, this being the bots first public release, but we think this will get you started. Please DO NOT contact Ed Halley for support, as he nolonger maintains this code. Use the source forge tools, or join us in #cyber on irc.afternet.org. 1. Unpack -- ok, tar -xzf filename.tgz, but were assuming you did this already or how could you read this file :) 2. Edit QwizBot.pl and customize the bots name, channel and details. The top of the file has comments to help you. 3. Copy the example runtime files from the example/ subdirectory and rename them to yourbotsname instead of qwizbot, if you changed the name to something else. For example, copy example/qwizbot.players.txt to triviabill.players.txt. These files provide some example setup,questions and users to get you started. They are binary, so if you need to edit them you must use a good editor that wont trample the dilineator it uses (i use vim.) - Edit qwizbot.players.txt and change the owner line to your nick, hostmask and password. 4. Start up the bot, auth as owner (/msg bot auth password), and begin adding questions etc. Their is nill for documentation besides online help at this point, so refer to the source if necessary. BUGS: * This bot is quite usable for gamplay, and runs in 2 or 3 channels we know of, however some things are broken at this time: - Review of flagged questions seems to be flakey. - Shotgun mode sometimes causes questions not to display. - lots of users asking for help at once delays the game.