
A program to monitor hosts on local network and trigger user defined events

Primary LanguagePython


A program to monitor hosts on local network and trigger user defined events via a python callback method

The Goal / design concept is to provide a fast and simple to use interface supporting both object oriented and procedural methods


I wrote a program years ago that monitors for devices on a local network/WiFi and set status variables on a my home automation controler.

Over the years I have found this program very useful, so recently I cleaned up the code (somewhat) and checked it into it's own repo. While it might not be ready for prime time ( eg: it's in "works for me" status). I figured I would throw it out here..

How do I get set up?

Simply install the package then set up targets list of network targets and optionally a configuration file


    python setup.py install --record files.txt

You will also need to install scapy : https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Scrapy

The quick way

    pip install scrapy

Target File

To run you will to set up a targets list of network targets and optionally a configuration file

The Target file contains a list containing IP_address, Mac_address and name for targets to me monitored.

Example Target file:

The "Target" file is a Json list of three values containing the IP, Mac, and Name/Identifier :

  [ "", "14:2d:27:da:a7:03", "laptop_wifi" ],
  [ "", "a4:77:33:58:d0:f6", "livingroom_chromecast" ],
  [ "", "dc:0b:34:b1:cc:5f", "is_home" ],
  [ "", "a8:e3:ee:93:3d:c3", "is_ps3_on" ]

See example mtargets.json-example

The IP address is optional, leave blank is not included, the IP will be obtained when first packet is observed (useful on networks with non-static addressing).

The Mac address is required for all entries.

The IP address is optional, leave blank is not included, If a name is not given, the last three octets of the Mac address will me used.

Configuration File

Example Configuration file:

http_port = 8088

log_dir = /var/tmp/whoshere
pid_dir = /var/run
stat_file = /var/www/whoshere-status
time_away = 660

Config Options

time_away : set the amount of time in seconds before a target's status is set to 0 (False), default 660

stat_file : is the path to a json file recording the current status of all targets, this file will be regularly updated, default is /var/tmp/whoshere-status (a .js' and .json` file will be generated)

target_file : is the path for the target config file, default is mtargets.json

log_dir : is the directory path for the log files

pid_dir : is the directory path for the pid file

iface : is the network interface to use, default is eth0

http_port : if set simple http server will be run at the port serving the file stat_file.json containing the current status of all targets

See whoshere.ini-example

Command line Args

/usr/local/bin/whoshere --help
usage: whoshere [-h] [--logdir LOG_DIR] [-t TARGET_FILE] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-v]
                [-r] [--time-away TIME_AWAY] [-i IFACE]

-h : Show this help message and exit

--logdir LOG_DIR : Path to log directory

-t TARGET_FILE : target list file, default mtargets.json

-c CONFIG_FILE : config filename, default whoshere.ini

--verbose : Turn on verbose debug

--redirect-io : Redirect_IO to log files

--time-away TIME_AWAY : Timeout (in seconds) before target is marked as 'away', default 660

-i IFACE : Network Interface to use, default eth0

-P, --Printconfig : Print Config and Exit

Example Program/Application


whoshere-isy is a example program that sets State Variables in a ISY standalone home automation controler.

See whoshere-isy/README.md for Setup instructions.

Note: ISYlib is required

See also: ISY Discussion Group


whoshere-iftt is a example program that can me used to trigger IFTT Applets

See whoshere-iftt/README.md for Setup hints


whoshere.service is a example systemd config to run whoshere at system boot

See systemd/README.txt for setup instructions


whoshere.html is a html/java page for displaing the current status of monitored network targets

See WWW/README.md for setup instructions


  • Some type of automated or assisted setup for mtargets file