
Can't bind to public IP

ehsandeep opened this issue · 9 comments

All ports are open on the machine, but only localhost is working, when try to bind public ip using -address i see this, i tried to change ports as well, for all port get same error!

panic: listen tcp public_ip:8080: bind: cannot assign requested address

goroutine 18 [running]:
        /root/go/src/github.com/evilsocket/xray/cmd/xray/main.go:154 +0x23a
created by main.main
        /root/go/src/github.com/evilsocket/xray/cmd/xray/main.go:156 +0xc53

What do you mean with "public ip" ? Could you please share the command line arguments you are passing to xray?

./xray -shodan-key my_key -domain trulia.com -address public ip

here public ip means public ip (external) of machine(vps) where am running xray.

It's not related to xray, it might be your system configuration requiring you to be root, or some limitation of your VPS provider ... if the ip is valid, and permissions are enough, it makes no difference to xray which address you're binding to.


Yep I just tested on two of my dedicated servers and it worked without issues ...

(make sure you're using the correct ip from ifconfig ... also dmesg could help you spot the cause of the issue)

Finally worked thanks for all the support :)

You're welcome ^_^

~ victory dance ~

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