
Create sounds and music using the HTML5 WebAudio API.

Primary LanguageHTML


Create sounds and music using the HTML5 WebAudio API.


  • Play a single tone (coming soon)
  • Play a tone sequence (coming soon)

Getting Started

Immediately play 440hz "A" for 1 second

var ctx = new AudioContext();
var osc = new Oscillator(ctx, 440);
osc.pulse(0, 1000);

Play 3 notes in sequence

var ctx = new AudioContext();
var sq = new Sequencer(ctx);
sq.addOscillator(110, 'square');
sq.addOscillator(220, 'square');
sq.addOscillator(440, 'square');
var sequence = [[0, 100], [1, 100], [2, 100]];


Oscillator (ctx, freq, type)

Oscillator create a OscillatorNode with simple methods to manipulate and play it's sound. Because an OscillatorNode can only use native methods native start() & stop() once, the effect of playing is achieved using a gainNode.

  • setFreq (freq)
  • setType (type)
  • play ()
  • stop ()
  • pulse (start, length)

Sequencer (ctx)

Sequencer allows user to build a scale of notes, and play sequences based on it's defined scale.

  • addOscillator (freq, type)
  • play (sequence)

Using addOscillator, you can build your own custom scale of notes. This method essentially pushes an Oscillator instance of specified settings to the Sequencer's internal chord array.

This is sorta messy, and will probably be reworked in future versions.

Sequences are built with a simple, multi-dimensional array. Each step consists of 2 indexes [note, duration]. The sequencer also supports chords by supplying an array of notes in the first index [[note, note, note], duration].

The following example plays a single note using the first oscillator, for 500ms. Then plays a 3 note chord for 1s.

    [0, 500],
    [[0, 2, 4], 1000]
