
C.S. capstone project, evaluate "least costly recomputation" cache replacement policy as a member of a learned weighted policy choice system.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


C.S. capstone project, evaluate "least costly recomputation" cache replacement policy as a member of a learned weighted policy choice system.


The server that runs caching strategies is in cmd/server. It can be compiled with make build and executed then with ./bin/server

This command accepts arguments for changing it's default behavior:

./bin/server \
  -logfile ./log/server.log \
  -data_file ./data/test_set_1.csv \
  -cache_type NONE \
  -cache_size 0

Set a different cache type by changing the cache_type argument:

./bin/server \
  -logfile ./log/server.log \
  -data_file ./data/test_set_1.csv \
  -cache_type LECAR \
  -cache_size 20

There's a make task for launching this: make serve

One easy way to test the server is to use something like "nc" (netcat) to poke at the server and fetch values:

evizitei-ltemp:~ evizitei$ nc localhost 1234

To try a bunch of queries in order to really exercise the caching behavior, try using the client program:

./bin/client \
  -keyfile ./data/client/traffic_set_baseline.csv

and you can choose which traffic pattern to use with the keyfile argument:

./bin/client -keyfile ./data/client/generated_lru_keys.csv
./bin/client -keyfile ./data/client/generated_lfu_keys.csv

You can also submit multiple keyfiles

Again, there's a make task: make query

Available Datasets

There are 10,000 keys in the "working" dataset. Cache size for each experiment will be fixed at 250, 2.5% of the size of the dataset itself.

Each set of keys was generated from a helper script to favor each type of cache. You have to have numpy installed to use it (pip install numpy).

The LRU genrator samples from a normal distribution with a standard deviation 1/5 the size of the cache, and it uses samples from the distribution both to choose which keys to query and to move the center of the distribution around in a random walk.

python ./data/key_generator.py \
  --cache_type=LRU \
  --output_filename=./data/client/generated_lru_keys.csv \
  --output_count=100000 \

The LFU genrator chooses from a "frequently used" set most of the time, and randomly injects scans of random (useless to cache) runs large enough to purge LRU caches.

python ./data/key_generator.py \
  --cache_type=LFU \
  --output_filename=./data/client/generated_lfu_keys.csv \
  --output_count=100000 \

The LCR genrator has 2 "frequently used" sets, a low cost one and a high cost one. It works much like the LFU generator, but half the time it pulls the high cost keys.

python ./data/key_generator.py \
  --cache_type=LCR \
  --output_filename=./data/client/generated_lcr_keys.csv \
  --output_count=100000 \

There's also a cost_adjuster script for taking a keyset and scaling up or down it's cost deltas:

python ./data/cost_adjuster.py \
  --input_filename=./data/test_set_1.csv \
  --direction=DOWN \
  --output_filename=./data/test_set_cheap.csv \



For Full Dataset


| LRU | NONE | 3,011,314,923 | 0.000 | | LRU | LRU | 608,685,877 | 0.798 | | LRU | LFU | 2,780,788,465 | 0.077 | | LRU | FIFO | 647,607,222 | 0.785 | | LRU | LCR | 1,292,405,204 | 0.571 | | LRU | LECAR | 669,338,196 | 0.778 | | LRU | CALECAR | 653,562,344 | 0.783 |

| LFU | NONE | 3,581,836,682 | 0.000 | | LFU | LRU | 3,108,356,918 | 0.132 | | LFU | LFU | 2,476,908,518 | 0.308 | | LFU | FIFO | 3,121,685,770 | 0.128 | | LFU | LCR | 2,509,968,185 | 0.299 | | LFU | LECAR | 3,077,671,875 | 0.141 | | LFU | CALECAR | 2,998,214,157 | 0.163 |

| LCR | NONE | 4,057,993,944 | 0.000 | | LCR | LRU | | | | LCR | LFU | | | | LCR | FIFO | | | | LCR | LCR | 2,444,963,263 | 0.397 | | LCR | LECAR | 3,685,009,773 | 0.092 | | LCR | CALECAR | 3,600,191,459 | 0.113 |

| all-3 | NONE | 10,651,145,549 | 0.000 | | all-3 | LRU | 7,404,534,146 | 0.305 | | all-3 | LFU | 10,335,119,024 | 0.030 | | all-3 | FIFO | | | | all-3 | LCR | | | | all-3 | LECAR | | | | all-3 | CALECAR | | |

For first half of dataset.


-[-] create http server that logs to file -[-] define cache fetch operation with null response -[-] curl server, get cache results from data reader if not in cache -[-] create tcp client program to fetch a set of keys from server -[-] parameterize server with data file (key, val, cost) -[-] tcp server on start creates data reader -[-] make client consume a list of keys as things to fetch -[-] client log produces cost assessment for each item it fetches -[-] client program summarizes traffic type and cost -[-] parameterize cache size -[-] implement NONE cache replacement strategy -[-] parameterize cache replacement strategy, implement FIFO -[-] implement LRU -[-] implement LFU -[-] implement LCR -[-] implement LeCaR -[-] parameterize server with cache size (in record/key count) -[-] tcp server on start creates mem cache with declared size constraint -[ ] build traffic patterns favorable to each existing cache type -[ ] track regret in server -[ ] run experiments highlighting traffic pattern empirical costs -[ ] change regret metric for CaLeCar to care about cost -[ ] allow regret reset in server -[ ] wrap tests around extracted functionality -[ ] parameterize port (1234 by default)