
Maksuturva payment module for Magento Community Edition

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION


This is Maksuturva's official Magento 1.x payment gateway module. The module is maintained by Vaimo.

System requirements

The Maksuturva Payment Gateway module for Magento was tested on and requires the following set of applications in order to fully work:

  • Magento 1.5.x - 1.9.x or Magento EE 1.14.x
  • PHP version at least 5.1.0
  • PHP cURL support
  • PHP libxml support

There is no guarantee that the module is fully functional in any other environment which does not fulfill the requirements.


Prior to any change in your environment, it is strongly recommended to perform a full backup of the entire Magento installation. It is also strongly recommended to do installation first in development environment, and only after that in production environment.

  1. Extract the module files under Magento installation
  2. Clean Magento cache
  3. Configure the module
  4. Ask Maksuturva to enable "status OK" callback to Magento. This is important to catch situations where customer fails to return to Magento after succesful payment.
  5. Verify the payments work

At this moment the module does not alter Magento's database schema in any way or create any custom database tables.


Configuration for the module can be found from standard location under System -> Configuration -> Payment Methods -> Maksuturva.

Sandbox mode

If enabled, communication url, seller id and secret key in sandbox fields are used, otherwise production parameters are used.

Seller id and secret key

This parameter provided by Maksuturva. Please note that this key must not be shared with any person, since it allows many operations to be done in your Maksuturva account.

Communication url

API url to communicate with Maksuturva service. Should be usually kept as is.

Key Version

This parameter provided by Maksuturva. Check your secret key version and input this value into the configuration field.

Communication encoding

Specifies which encoding is used. Will be deprecated in future, and only UTF8 will be supported. Do not change this.

Preselect payment method in webshop

Enables selection of Maksuturva payment method directly on Magento checkout, instead of redirecting to Maksuturva service and selecting it there. List of allowed payment methods are fetched from Maksuturva API based on cart total. Certain methods like part payment might be available only when cart total exceed the configured limit.

Please note that this service needs to be enabled by Maksuturva first.

Preselect form type

Specifies which styling is used on preselection form on checkout. Option to use either basic dropdown or stylished payment icons.

Payment fees

Only supported when preselect payment method in webshop is enabled. Currently requires module Vaimo_PaymentFee, this might change to more generic way in future versions.

Delayed capture methods

In case part payment or invoice payment methods are used, this can be used to specify delayed capture for these methods. In normal operation all payments are marked as captured when user returns to webshop from Maksuturva service. When a method is marked as delayed capture method, on return to webshop it will not be marked as captured. In order to capture these, creation of invoice with capture case set to "online" is required.

This is usually used if capture should be done only after shipping the goods to the customer. In case of ERP integration, the integration is responsible of creating the invoice and thus triggering the capture.

Please note that only few methods support delayed capture, these need to be verified from Maksuturva.

The methods are given as comma separated list, example:

Query Maksuturva API for orders missing payments (deprecated)

If enabled, will enable cronjob that queries Maksuturva API for order missing payment. This kind of orders might occasionally happen, if after successful payment customer does not return to webshop.

Deprecated since 2.2.0 and should be disabled. Alternative and better way is to ask Maksuturva to enabled "status OK" callback to Magento.

Enable settled cancellation

Allow cancellation of payments, which are already settled. This will be attempted if payment is already settled and can't be refunded normally. Requires already settled amount to be paid back to Maksuturva, which will then refund the customer.

Send refund payment information with email

Send email containing information for paying back the settled amount of payment to Maksuturva. You can give email sender, recipients, and custom email template.

Sandbox testing

Most simple way to test the payment module is to switch the Sandbox / Testing mode on. In the sandbox mode after confirming the order, the user is directed to a test page where you can see all the passed information and locate possible errors. In the sandbox page you can also test ok-, error-, cancel- and delayed payment -responses that Maksuturva service might send to your service.

Testing with a separate test account

For testing the module with actual internet bank, credit card, invoice or part payment services, you can order a test account for yourself.


When ordering a test account signing the order with your TUPAS bank credentials is not required. When you have completed the order and stored your test account ID and secret key, we kindly ask you to contact us for us to activate the account.

In the test environment no actual money is handled and no orders tracked. For testing the internet bank payments in the test environment we recommend using the test services of either Nordea or Aktia banks bacause in their services the payer credentials are already prefilled or displayed for you. Do not try to use actual bank credentials in the test environment.

For testing our payment service without using actual money, you need to set communication URL in the module configurations as https://test1.maksuturva.fi. All our test environment services are found under that domain unlike our production environment services which are found under SSL-secured domain https://www.maksuturva.fi. Test environment for KauppiasExtranet can be found similarly at https://test1.maksuturva.fi/extranet/.

If sandbox testing passes but testing with test server fails, the reason most likely is in communication URL, seller id or secret key. In that case you should first check that they are correct and no extra spaces are added in the beginning or end of the inputs.

Order status

When a customer has confirmed order and is transferred to Maksuturva payment gateway, Magento sets the order as pending. When the customer returns to Magento and Maksuturva confirms the payment, an invoice is created and set as paid and the order's amounts are updated. The order status is now set as processing*. Magento updates order status as complete when the order is fully paid and shipped.

Maksuturva API documentation

API description and documentation can be found at:


In case of support question or bug in the module, please contact Maksuturva at it@maksuturva.fi.

Migration from old module version

Migration should be relatively easy in standard case, since database changes are not involved. Please note, that new module is under new name, and old Maksuturva and Makadmin module has to be removed. Steps to take are:

  1. Backup the configuration or list it somewhere
  2. Completely remove old module files
  3. Install new module
  4. Verify configuration

It is always recommended to do this in test environment first before upgrading in production.

Advanced features

Split submethods to separate Magento payment methods

When using payment method preselection in checkout, Maksuturva sub-methods can be split into separate Magento payment methods, with each method being it's own payment method from user perspective. This is not officially supported, because it requires a core patch and defining customer specific models. Split methods also have the drawback of being non-dynamic: if Maksuturva adds or removes methods later on, it will require changes to customer specific implementation.

Split-off methods are configured as standard Magento payment methods with a custom format method code, eg. "maksuturva_fi50". The method should have it's own model which extends Maksuturva's model. Example of this can be found from optional/example_split_method_model.php. The methods can have their own block, in case customized template or logic is needed.

When user uses split method, on backend the code will still always be "maksuturva", and everything behaves the same way.

Splitting of methods requires applying supplied patch under optional/patches/getSelectedSubMethodCode.patch. The patch will modify core to return selected sub-method code (eg. maksuturva_fi50 instead of just maksuturva). The patch handles the use-case when user goes back on checkout steps, otherwise the selected sub-method would stay selected. This assumes all methods are split off from default selection. If this is not the case, the patch needs modification to filter the codes split off.

Payment method specific discounts

When using payment method preselection, method specific discount can be configured in shopping cart rules of Magento admin. Discount from the method is visible on frontend when choosing Maksuturva payment method.

Contribution guidelines

  • Vaimo: Before writing anything, please contact module maintainer (paavo.pokkinen@vaimo.com). No logic change is allowed.
  • 3rd party: pull requests are welcome and are reviewed by Vaimo.
  • This module is using semantic versioning, please see http://semver.org/