
Linley Henzell's Transdimensional Hellspider (working Linux build)

Primary LanguageC


Transdimensional Hellspider
Version 1.0
by Linley Henzell
features analogue synth by JPH Wacheski

Released under the GPL v3. Source code is available from www.sourceforge.net, and should work on any platform supported by Allegro.


Can you defeat all of the hellspiders? Find out, in this game based heavily on a combination of Spacewar! and Warning Forever. 

The hellspiders evolve based on how you destroy them, so every time you play is different. Just don't destroy the core without destroying any parts first - it gets much stronger that way.

Your little fighter is equipped with several systems to defeat your fearsome enemy: a pair of fast-firing cannons, one of a number of types of special charged weapon, and a shield which offers complete protection for a short time but can only be used when its power cells are sufficiently charged (it activates automatically if you are hit, and prevents your fighter's weapons from functioning). Every three levels you can upgrade your fighter, change its secondary weapon or gain an extra ship.

Only the central part of your fighter is vulnerable, so dodge those bullets well.

Thanks to:
- the people on the www.shmup-dev.com forums who helped out with coding and gave suggestions on the betas, especially N for the star rotation code and kdmiller3 for the matrix functions. The comments on gameplay made it a much better game.
- jph for the samples.
- the developers of the free tools I used to make TH: gcc, Allegro, Code::Blocks, Psycle, Audacity, SFXR and the GIMP.
- Mel, who is very patient.

If you like Transdimensional Hellspider, you might also like some of my other games (easy to find on the web):
White Butterfly
Garden of Coloured Lights
Excellent Bifurcation
Captain Pork's World of Violence (not so good)
Captain Pork's Revenge (not great either)
Crawl (now with a new life as Crawl Stone Soup)

Any comments/queries/complaints to l_henzell@yahoo.com.au.
