
Some kind of a RestSharp port to PCL

Primary LanguageC#BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Portable RestSharp

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This is some kind of a RestSharp port to PCL.


Version 3.0.0 will come soon and it will contain breaking changes:

  • The IRestRequest.Credentials property moved to IRestClient.Credentials
  • Credentials for authenticators are specified using the IRestClient.Credentials property
  • New core library that contains all interfaces and other generic stuff
  • New interface for proxies
  • New interfaces that are an abstraction of the HttpClient and its request/response messages
  • Uses now a RestSharp project compatible Method enumeration for HTTP requests
  • Support for WebRequest as back-end for RestSharp.Portable


3.0.0 beta 09

Fix endless loop for OAuth2 and failed requests when a refresh token is available.

3.0.0 beta 07

Remember the OAuth2 refresh token when calling the GetCurrentToken function with a set refresh token. This should fix the problem with exiring access tokens.

3.0.0 beta 06

  • Revert to Portable.BouncyCastle-Signed to be able to use a release version
  • Use the JetBrains.Annotations assembly to fix problems when creating CoreCLR assemblies that want to use JetBrains.Annotations too

3.0.0 beta 04

  • Don't discard GetOrPost parameters when using PUT or PATCH

3.0.0 beta 03

3.0.0 beta 02

  • Support more headers when using HttpWebRequest instead of HttpClient
  • New UserAgent property for IRestClient
  • Activated automatic decompression for HttpClient and HttpWebRequest

3.0.0 beta 01

  • Refactoring to reduce source code duplication by adding a RestClientBase class
  • Allow customization of HttpWebRequest creation to allow the usage of client certificates
  • Support for RSA-SHA1 for platforms with full .NET Framework support
  • New OAuth 1.0 test that uses oauthbin.com

3.0.0 alpha 10

  • Fixed HttpWebRequest usage for Windows Store apps

3.0.0 alpha 9

  • Added PCL for OAuth/OAuth2 with profile 259 (better for platforms that don't target .NET 4.0 or SL5)
  • Make all assemblies containing WebRequest implementations signed

3.0.0 alpha 5-8

  • Added RestSharp implementation using WebRequest instead of HttpClient
  • Added PCL optimizations (for .NET 4.5 and up)

3.0.0 alpha 4

  • Moved all interfaces and other generic stuff into a separate core library that doesn't have any dependencies
  • New interfaces that are an abstraction of the HttpClient and its request/response messages
  • New interface for proxies
  • Uses now a RestSharp project compatible Method enumeration for HTTP requests and all constructors taking a HttpMethod are flagged as obsolete
  • The IAuthenticator, ISerializer, IEncoding, and IDeserializer interfaces were moved to the RestSharp.Portable namespace

3.0.0 alpha 3

  • Revamped authenticator interfaces
    • Provide a way to process the Www-Authenticate header
    • Make HTTP Basic/Digest authenticators work with Proxy-Authenticate header
    • Credentials property moved from IRestRequest to IRestClient
    • The NTLM authenticator is not needed anymore, because the the credentials from the IRestRequest are automatically used in the HttpClientHandler which handles the Basic/Digest/NTLM authentication automatically
    • All authenticators should query the credentials passed to the authenticator
    • New AuthenticationChallengeHandler which selects one of the registered authenticators in response to a Www-Authenticate or Proxy-Authenticate challenge.
  • New Gitter OAuth 2.0 client


  • Bugfix for issue #29.



  • Bugfix for issue #25. We're using asynchronous locking now.


  • Bugfix for issue #24 which should allow using both OAuth 1.0 and 2.0 in Android apps.



  • Fixes concurrent requests on the same RestClient (fixes #19, bug introduced with #11)


  • Fixes issue #18
    • All DateTime(Offset) HTTP header values are encoded as described in RFC 1123 after conversion to UTC/GMT
  • All data is converted to a string using the en-US culture (might be a breaking change)


  • Fixes issue #17
    • New IsSuccess property for IRestResponse


  • Fixes issue #15
    • Add the ability to provide a custom timestamp provider
  • Fixes issue #16
    • Remove superfluous "?" when using URL segment parameters in the query string


  • Fixed broken SL5 support (thanks to P2SH)


  • Fixes issue #11
    • IRestClient now derives from IDisposable
    • HttpClient is kept alive until the RestClient gets disposed
    • Default HTTP header parameters are set for the HttpClient
  • Fixes issue #12
    • Workaround for the 32k limit of EscapeDataString
    • Custom class for URL encoding that's used as fall-back, when the user wants to use EscapeDataString with a byte array (which isn't supported).
  • Avoid rebuilding the Basic Authentication header for each request


  • Fixed NuGet dependency for the OAuth 1.0 package
  • Fixed some problems found by FxCop


  • Fixed NuGet package for Xamarin.iOS (upload using nuget instead of NPE)


  • Fixed Microsoft.Bcl and Microsoft.Bcl.Build dependencies
  • Assemblies are now CLSCompliant (except PCL and SL5, which don't support this attribute)


  • Removed all deprecated methods
  • Starting from this version, I'll use Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
  • Optimizing NuGet dependencies for several platforms
  • Clear Accept HTTP header parameter for the SL5 platform for GET requests (Issue #9)
  • Add Deflate encoding


  • OAuth2AuthorizationRequestHeaderAuthenticator should only check for Authorization header parameter
  • Better handling of refresh tokens in the OAuth2AuthorizationRequestHeaderAuthenticator


  • Increased compatibility with the original RestSharp project
    • BuildUri instead of BuildUrl (deprecated)
    • Added AddJsonBody, AddXmlBody, AddQueryParameter, AddObject
  • Graceful handling of duplicate parameters (might be a breaking change)
  • Dispose HttpClient, HttpRequestMessage and the HttpResponseMessage


  • BuildUrl adds a "/" between a base URL and resource if neither of them is empty and the "/" is missing
  • Fix BOM for XmlDataContractSerializer
  • Better support for OAuth2 refresh tokens by supporting a HTTP 401 by the OAuth2 authenticator (when a refresh token was set)


  • Support for parameters in IRestClient.BaseUrl
  • Signed OAuth1/OAuth2 assemblies
  • Increased compatibility for empty IRestClient.BaseUrl


  • Workaround for NuGet pack bug


  • Encodings for parameters (get/post/url/query)


  • Async. authenticators
  • New OAuth2 package


  • Cancellable requests
  • New OAuth 1.0 package

Supported platforms

  • .NET Framework 4
  • .NET for Windows Store apps
  • .NET Native
  • Windows Phone 8 and 8.1
  • Silverlight 5
  • Portable Class Libraries
  • Xamarin Android
  • Xamarin MonoTouch / iOS

Small example

The following is an example to get the ticker from the bitstamp.net website.

The result class

public class TickerResult
	public decimal Last { get; set; }
	public decimal High { get; set; }
	public decimal Low { get; set; }
	public decimal Volume { get; set; }
	public decimal Bid { get; set; }
	public decimal Ask { get; set; }

We use the class with:

using (var client = new RestClient(new Uri("https://www.bitstamp.net/api/")))
    var request = new RestRequest("ticker", HttpMethod.Get);
    var result = await client.Execute<TickerResult>(request);

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