
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Qiscus SDK Web

Qiscus SDK helps you build Web Chat Application easy and fast. It uses qiscus server backend for the API. There's two version of the SDK. The SDK Core Only version which you can use to build a custom chat app without opinionated view layer. The other version is the one with View layer already integrated in it (in this case we're using VueJs, other view layer already on TODO list). You can download files you need by navigating to the release section.

Quick Start

Create a new app

Register on www.qiscus.com/dashboard using your email and password and then create new application

You should create one application per service, regardless of the platform. For example, an app released in Android, iOS or Web would require only one application to be created in the Dashboard.

All users within the same qiscus application are able to communicate with each other, across all platforms. This means users using iOS, Android, web clients, etc. can all chat with one another. However, users in different Qiscus applications cannot talk to each other.

Done! Now you can use the APP_ID into your apps and get chat functionality by implementing qiscus into your app.

Integrating SDK with an existing app

qiscus SDK let you add a chat widget directly into your existing HTML web pages. You just need to include the javascript and css files from the build directory. And you also need to append <div id="qiscus-widget"></div> tag before closing body tag. Here's sample HTML:

You can just copy and paste this into your html file and it'll work directly.

<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <link rel=stylesheet href=https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.6.3/css/font-awesome.min.css>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/qiscus-sdk/web/v2.4.0/css/qiscus-sdk.2.4.0.css">
  <!-- add this CDN for emojione if you intend to support emoji -->
  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/emojione/2.2.7/lib/js/emojione.min.js"></script>
  <div id="qiscus-widget"></div>
  <script src="https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/qiscus-sdk/web/v2.4.0/js/qiscus-sdk.2.4.0.js"></script>
     // let's setup options for our widget
        AppId: 'DRAGONGO',
        options: {
          // When we're success login into qiscus SDK we'll have a 1-on-1 chat to guest2@qiscus.com
          // You can change this to any user you have on your AppId, e.g: contact@your_company.com, etc
          loginSuccessCallback(data) { QiscusSDK.core.UI.chatTarget('guest2@qiscus.com') },
          // function below will be called when there's new message
          newMessagesCallback(data) { console.log("new message : ", data) }
     // login to qiscus
     QiscusSDK.core.setUser('guest@qiscus.com', 'password', 'Qiscus Demo');
     // render the widget

We're using two CDN here, one for emoji support and one for the icon, in this case we're using FontAwesome. The emojione is optional though.

If you already registered for your own AppId, just replace dragongo with your own AppId. In the example above we automatically open a chat roow with guest2@qiscus.com assuming that user already registered on dragongo AppId, if the user is not registered then it will be failed.

On the code snippet above, we can pass several callbacks to init options, in the example we're using loginSuccessCallback which will be called when login is success. It'll automatically open 1-1 chat room with guest2@qiscus.com. There's also newMessagesCallback where in the example it just log what the messages are. After that we render the widget into our page by calling QiscusSDK.render()


Init with APP ID

We can initialize qiscus SDK by using this line of code:

  AppId: 'DRAGONGO',
  options: {
    // When we're success login into qiscus SDK we'll have a 1-on-1 chat to guest2@qiscus.com
    // You can change this to any user you have on your AppId, e.g: contact@your_company.com, etc
    loginSuccessCallback(data) { QiscusSDK.UI.chatTarget('guest2@qiscus.com') },
    // function below will be called when there's new message
    newMessagesCallback(data) { console.log("new message : ", data) }

Here are list of available callbacks:

  • loginSuccessCallback
  • loginErrorCallback
  • newMessagesCallback
  • chatRoomCreatedCallback
  • groupRoomCreatedCallback
  • headerClickedCallback

After we initialize the SDK, we need to set login data for current user by using this code: QiscusSDK.core.setUser('[email / unique identifer]', '[password]', '[Display Name]');

Updating a User Profile and Avatar

You can use the previous login code to update your data: QiscusSDK.core.setUser('email', 'key', 'username', 'avatar_url');

  • email email used by currently logged in user
  • key secret key for current user
  • username username to be displayed to other participant
  • avatar_url user avatar, fallback to default avatar if not provided

Room Types

Creating and starting 1-to-1 chat

To create a 1-to-1 chat use this code: QiscusSDK.core.chatTarget('[email / unique identifier]')

Creating a Group Room

QiscusSDK.core.createGroupRoom (name, ...emails) where email(s) is in the type of array

Start Group Chat




Here's a video showing how you can set up sample app for qiscus SDK Qiscus-SDK Howto

UI Customization

In case you don't want to have the sdk displaying on a widget view, we can put the Chat inside a container by setting mode to wide on init as a parameter like this example.

      AppId: 'DRAGONGO',
      mode: 'wide',
      options: {
        // When we're success login into qiscus SDK we'll have a 1-on-1 chat to guest2@qiscus.com
        // You can change this to any user you have on your AppId, e.g: contact@your_company.com, etc
        loginSuccessCallback(data) { QiscusSDK.UI.chatTarget('guest2@qiscus.com') },
        // function below will be called when there's new message
        newMessagesCallback(data) { console.log("new message : ", data) }

You can also enable / disable avatar by passing avatar options.

The code above will put qiscus chat inside a container. Here's a working example on codepen

The widget is built using vuejs and divided into several components. We also use fontawesome for the icon, so you can target fontawesome css class directly. You can change the appearance of the widget by using these css selectors below.

Widget components have namespaces of qcw...

css properties description
.qcw-trigger-button Button for toggling the chat window
.qcw-container Widget Window Wrapper div
.qcw-header Widget Header containing active chat title
ul#messages__comments Messages list container
.qcw-comment-form Comment Form container
.qcw-comment-form textarea Comment Text Input Field
.qcw-comment-form i Comment Form icons (paperclip and paper-plane icon)
.comment-form i Comment Form icons (paperclip and paper-plane icon)