Sample Zend Framework 2 application, which could be a core for ERP system
It is sample ZF2 project, which was created according to specification of the application from the Techcamp October 2013's contest.
Specification (in Polish) is available at:
In the project there were used:
- PostgreSQL,
- Zend Framework 2.2,
- Doctrine 2 ORM,
- Gedmo - Doctrine 2 ORM Extension,
- jQuery 1.9.x,
- jQuery DataTables 1.9.4,
- Bootstrap 3.0.3,
- Bootstrap TouchSpin 2.3.0
- Check if product name is not taken by another product while updating data
- Sort available suppliers by their name in add/edit product form
Add recalculating product brutto price in JavaScript[2014-01-20]- Implement handling clicking on cancel button in the forms
- Cut too long strings, becasue they cause exception while saving that data in database (input filter)
- Move interfaces files to separate folders
- Do not create Form object in the controllers, but use appropriate methods
- Add translation of the messages after (un)successful adding new object
- Implement deleting objects of all entities
- Integrate SoftDelete behaviour (from Gedmo extensions to Doctrine 2 ORM) with all database entities
- Integrate Identification Numbers filters in Company form
- VAT Identification Number (e.g. NIP in Poland)
e.g. 526-030-07-24 => 5260300724 - Business Entity Identification Number (e.g. KRS in Poland)
e.g. 10069 => 0000010069
- VAT Identification Number (e.g. NIP in Poland)
- Integrate Identification Numbers validators in Company form
- VAT Identification Number (e.g. NIP in Poland)
- Enterprise Identification Number (e.g. REGON in Poland)
- Business Entity Identification Number (e.g. KRS in Poland)
- Add unit tests
- Integrate Timestable behaviour (from Gedmo extensions to Doctrine 2 ORM) with all database entities
- Add Zend\Cache to speed up application
- Add additional indexes in the database e.g. for product name
- Remove adding multiple forms to the controllers. Use setting form properties inside getForm() method.
See the application live at