
⚡ JavaScript(ES6+) Syntax Code Snippets for VS Code

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

JavaScript Snippets for VS Code

This extension contains code snippets for JavaScript in ES6 syntax for VS Code editor.

Visual Studio Marketplace Version

Insert console.log()

Keyboard Shortcut:

  • Down: Ctrl + Cmd + L
  • Up: Shift + Ctrl + Cmd + L


console.log('JSS log[ FILENAME] VARIABLE:', VARIABLE) // selection
console.log('JSS log[ FILENAME] :') // without selection


Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. Remember to use Tab key.


  • Excluding VS Code built-in snippets.
  • Excluding the final semicolon ;.
  • Use single quotes('') instead of double quotes("").


Trigger Content
func function name() {}
af () => {}
iife ;(() => {})()
sort sort((a, b) => a - b)
assign Object.assign()
pt/prototype Class.prototype.method = function () {}
rep/retp return new Promise(() => {})
exp export member
expa export * from Module
expd export default member
expf export function name(args) {}
expaf export const name = () => {}
imp import * from Module
mod module.exports = *
req require(Module)
setim setImmediate(() => {})
typeof typeof source
instanceof instanceof Object
call Object.prototype.toString.call()
nextt nextTick()
proc process
us 'use strict'
dir console.dir()


Trigger Content
usest const [state, setState] = useState()
usee useEffect(() => {}, [])
usec const value = useContext()
usecb const memoizedCallback = useCallback(() => {}, [])
usem const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => {}, [])
user const refContainer = useRef()
useih useImperativeHandle(ref, createHandle)
useid const id = useId()
usele useLayoutEffect(() => {}, [])
userd const [state, dispatch] = useReducer()
usedv useDebugValue()
