
Build Status


Apply the plugin

Add one of the following snippets to your project

plugins {
    id "de.evosec.gradle.gitflow.release" version "${latest.version}"


buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath "de.evosec:gradle-gitflow-release:${latest.version}"

apply plugin: "de.evosec.gradle.gitflow.release"

NOTE: For projects with multiple modules apply the plugin to the toplevel build.gradle and not inside the allprojects { } block.

Configure the plugin

In your build.gradle

release {
    username "git_username"                  // Username to be used to push changes. Default: null
    password "git_password"                  // Password to be used to push changes. Default: null
    failOnSnapshotDependencies true          // Should the release start fail when SNAPSHOT dependencies are found? Default: true
    pushAfterReleaseFinish false             // Should the plugin push changes to remote after release finish? Default: false
    incrementMinorVersion false              // Should the plugin increment the minor part of the version instead of the patch level? Default: false
    allowUntracked false                     // Should the plugin allow untracked files in the workspace while release start/finish? Default: false
    versionPropertyFile ""  // properties file containing the "version" property. Default:  

In your or the file configured in versionPropertyFile


Doing a release

./gradlew releaseStart
./gradlew build             // or any other task to build your artifact 
./gradlew releaseFinish

Overriding configured properties

You can override all properties that can be configured in build.gradle by passing them as parameters to the gradlew call.

For example you can set the git credentials using command line parameters that you do not need to save them in your build.gradle

./gradlew releaseFinish -Prelease.username=myuser -Prelease.password=mypassword

or in a CI build by using environment variables

./gradlew releaseFinish -Prelease.username="${GIT_USERNAME}" -Prelease.password="${GIT_PASSWORD}"