Sometimes you need to generate a database diagram for your Django project. django-extensions does this well, but drops non-editable file like PNG. Even when you use SVG format you'll waste much time with bunch of objects that are not stitched together: when you move a table, you'll need to move all connected arrows and captions.
There was a time when you could generate .dia file directly with django-extensions. But dia support was dropped.
pip install django-dia
Add django-dia to your INSTALLED_APPS:
And run
./manage.py make_diagram -a -e -o scheme # all apps in project
./manage.py make_diagram -e -o scheme my_app1 my_app2 # specific apps
This will produce file scheme.dia in your project directory.
Django >= 1.8 supported. In long term set of supported versions will be in parity with official django support.