An AddressBook library using simple Trie / Suffix Trie indexes
This project contains a simple in-memory DB implementation using Python data types. This is just an example project, which is not suitable for any production need. For production please use one of the followings:
In [1]: from abook import AddressBook
In [2]: ab = AddressBook()
In [3]: p1 = ab.create_person(name='foo', last_name='bar', group='work')
In [4]: p2 = ab.create_person(name='fee', last_name='bin', email='', group_set=['work', 'friend'])
In [5]: list(ab.find_by(name='fee'))
Out[5]: [fee ['']]
# Explicitly create a Person object
In [7]: from abook import Person
In [8]: p3=Person(name='p3', address_set=['ad1','adr2'], group='family')
# add a proprety
In [9]: p3.add(email='')
# then add it to address book
In [10]: ab.add(p3)
Prefix and substring searches
By using Trie indexes, all fields supports prefix matching. We only use [Suffix tire indexing][1] on email field, so we can search with substring of an email [1]:
# find_by method works for all fields (name, last_name, email, address, phone)
# But only "email" field supports substring matching
In [11]: list(ab.find_by(email='co')) # we need to convert result generator to list
Out[11]: [fee [''], p3 ['']]
# get list of existing groups
In [12]: ab.list_groups()
Out[12]: ['work', 'family', 'friend']
# get members of a group
In [13]: ab.get_group('work')
Out[13]: <generator object <genexpr> at 0x11047d370>
In [14]: list(ab.get_group('work'))
Out[14]: [foo [], fee ['']]
# we can explicity create a group but it's not required
In [15]: ab.add_group('foo')
In [16]: ab.list_groups()
Out[16]: ['work', 'family', 'friend', 'foo']
You need pytest
for testing.
pip install pytest