
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Zenith: New way of JS monorepo builds

Welcome to Zenith, a lightning-fast javascript monorepo build tool designed to minimize your tasks' runtime and maximize your productivity. If you're a monorepo user, you know how challenging it can be to keep track of multiple codebases, dependencies, and versioning across various projects. That's where Zenith comes in: our powerful platform provides a way to manage builds, tests, lints, and other tasks for all your projects, making it easy to achieve CI pipelines that take seconds without even needing any version control, such as Git. With Zenith, you can focus on what really matters - building great software. So whether you're a developer, project manager, or part of a large development team, Zenith is the perfect tool to help you stay fast, efficient, and ahead of the game.

Table of contents

What is Zenith? What is its aim?

Zenith is a fast build tool used for both remote and local caching. Its speed comes from the ability to cache files remotely while not using .git files, which makes Zenith a good choice when developing monorepos with teams. It provides build cache and test cache functionalities, which can be used to deploy a large application much quicker than its competitors.

Zenith requires pnpm as the node package manager.


pnpm add @jotforminc/zenith

From the terminal, run:

pnpm zenith --target=("build" | "test") --project=("all" | <project_name>)

Target and project arguments are required for now. Without them, the tool will not work.

zenith.json: What is it and why is it required?

Zenith looks for a file named "zenith.json" in the same folder where your root package.json file is. This file is used to determine the behavior of Zenith. It MUST include 'projects' and 'buildConfig' keys, and MAY include 'ignore' and 'appDirectories' keys. An example of usage is as follows.

    "projects": {
        "@jotforminc/app1": "projects/applications/app1",
        "@jotforminc/app2": "projects/applications/app2",
        "@jotforminc/lib1": "projects/libraries/lib1"
    "buildConfig": {
        "cachePath": ".customCache",
        "appConfig": {
            "build": {
                "script": "build",
                "outputs": [
            "lint:js": {
                "script": "lint:js",
                "outputs": [
                "constantDependencies": [
    "mainConfig": {
        "build": {
            "script": "build",
            "outputs": [
        "lint:js": {
            "script": "lint:js",
            "outputs": [
            "constantDependencies": [
    "ignore": [
    "appDirectories": [

Required Parameters

The project uses several required environment variables and params. Without them, the tool will not work as intended.

Environment Variables

- USE_REMOTE_CACHE (bool): If true, remote cache is used. The local cache feature is unstable for now, so this variable should be set to true.
- S3_ACCESS_KEY (string): Access key to be used to get objects from and write objects to the buckets.
- S3_SECRET_KEY (string): Secret key to be used to get objects from and write objects to the buckets.
- S3_BUCKET_NAME (string): Bucket name to be written and read from.
- S3_REGION (string): AWS S3 region to connect to.
- ZENITH_DEBUG_ID (string): A string that will be used to determine the debug file name.


-t, --target <"build" | "test">: Target command to be used.
-p, --project <"all" | [string]>: Project to be built. "all" value builds every project the tool finds in the subfolders.

Optional Parameters

The following parameters are not required to work, but can be used to modify the tool's behavior.

-h, --help: Show parameter information.
-d, --debug: If given, enters debug mode. Usage is provided in the [debugging](#debugging) section.

-c, --compareWith <string>: Compares and calculates the difference between a given json file and the current build.

-dl, --debugLocation <string>: Debug Location: sets the prefix of the debug location. By default, it is "debug/", and its usage is as follows: \n {target}/{debugLocation}debug.{ZENITH_DEBUG_ID}.json

-w, --worker <number>: Worker Number (default = 6): sets the maximum number of workers that run concurrently.

-l, --logLevel <1 | 2 | 3>: Sets the log level. 1=silent mode. 2=default mode, which only shows errors and statistics after completion. 3=verbose mode, logs cache hits, misses, and recoveries.

-ch, --noCompareHash: default: false. If false, will compare remote folders\' and local folders\' hash and execute target if hashes are not the same.

-la, --logAffected: default: false. If true, will log outputs of ONLY missed caches\' executes.


If -d param is given, the tool outputs a file named "debug.{ZENITH_DEBUG_ID}.json". This file will contain hashes of every file that is used in hashing. It can be used to see if the tool is working as intended, and which folders are being hashed. By also setting -c param, you can compare builds and see which files are new, and changed or removed.