Hey 👋🏻. My name is Yağızhan (IPA: /jɑːɫızhɑn/), I'm a 17-year-old student from Istanbul, Turkey. Even though I'm not active in many of them, I like spending time engaging with open-source projects and communities.

While I first started doing open-source stuff to procrastinate from school, I soon realized the impact OSS has on me, other people, companies and even some parts of society as a whole. That's when I decided to dedicate more time to taking part and contributing.

If you're looking for a project to contribute to, check out FOSSBilling.

⭐ I also am looking for some side projects to contribute to, If you have any suggestions, drop me an email at hi@yagiz.dev or add me on Discord: evrifaessa#0001.

GitHub account statistics

👇🏻 I don't have much to see in my own user account, but here are some stuff