DEPRECATED: As of sprockets-rails version 3.1.0, used in current versions of rails, this gem is deprecated
- 0
Rails 4.2.6 compatibility
#50 opened by BrennerSpear - 1
Why use ENV[key] rather than a class variable?
#48 opened by justin808 - 1
Rails stop writing to development.log
#42 opened by stamm - 10
Missing logs with Puma
#40 opened by dunghuynh - 2
Also removes POST queries and almost everything on Rails 4.2.0 and Ruby 2.2.1
#39 opened by arnaudlevy - 13
- 13
- 1
- 1
Rails 5.1 support
#55 opened by fragoulis - 2
Rails 5 compatibility
#54 opened by zedtux - 3
quiet_assets was resolved to 1.0.0 getting this isue while upgrading to rails 5.0.0
#53 opened by jawadakram20 - 28
- 0
do some in place substitute with logger.
#44 opened by zw963 - 2
- 1
Using with rack-timeout?
#49 opened by aguynamedben - 3
Quiet Assets not working on rails 4.2.4
#45 opened by overdrivemachines - 7
Assets still shown when logging to stdout
#20 opened by avk - 4
undefined method `quiet_assets_paths'
#35 opened by przemad - 2
Possible to alter ASSETS_PREFIX
#26 opened by Hengjie - 4
active_admin compatibility?
#32 opened by delphaber - 11
Rails 4.2 Compatibility
#36 opened by jtrost - 2
Add License information to Gemspec
#33 opened by coreyhaines - 0
Quiet Assets and Rack::Lock
#28 opened by mathieumahe - 3
- 3
Logs in test environment are cropped
#25 opened by sadfuzzy - 1
- 2
- 5
New gem release
#18 opened by ai - 2
Add rails/ to gitignore when using this gem
#17 opened by yoshyosh - 11
- 11
Doesn't seem to work with Unicorn
#11 opened by vighnesh1987 - 5
- 2
#10 opened by oprogfrogo - 4
it doesn't work in my rails 3.2.2 project
#8 opened by flyerhzm