
Another modal plugin for jQuery with modalOverModal support and persistant content support

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Another modal plugin for jQuery with modalOverModal support and persistent content support


Usage is pretty simple. Don't need to init the objects. Just call the plugin.

Exemple 2:
#('#modal').modal({overlayClose: true, persistentContent: false})


Option name Type Default value Description
showOverlay bool true Show modal overlay, if set to false, plugin will not create overlay. If you wish a 'invisible' overlay, check overlayColor and overlayOpacity options.
persistentContent bool true If this option is set to false, when modal hides, the modal DOM structure will be restored to original.
autoCenter bool true This option set the modal window on center of screen. You can set the modal position manually via CSS.
overlayClose bool false If is true, the modal will be hidden when user click on the overlay.
overlayOpacity float 0.5 Set the overlay opacity level
overlayColor #000 Set the overlay color. Don't use RGBA, the alpha must to be controlled via overlayOpacity option.

Tip: Adding classes modal hide on an element inside the modal window, allow the plugin to attach the hide method to the element.

Example: <a href="#" title="Close the window" class="close-button modal hide">CLOSE THIS WINDOW</a>



Default method. It is impliced.
$('#modal').modal(); or $('#modal').modal({options}) or $('#modal').modal('show') or $('#modal').modal('show', {options})


Hide the modal window.

The jQuery.modal don't have any callbacks yet. Commits are welcomed.

Demo fiddle:
Demo on jsFiddle