
Compact chess board format and its Python implementation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Compact chess board format (.chss).
The format is somewhat similar to FEN, but is more compact, because bytes (one quartet to denote a piece, two to skip up to 63 tiles) are used efficiently.


The board is encoded starting at the rank 1 and ending with rank 8.
Within each rank, the contents of each square are described from file "a" through file "h".


Data packed in chunks of 4 bits (quartets).

  • Empty tiles defined by "skips" - pairs of quartets in this format: 11__ ____
  • If there's no piece at the tile #64, a skip to that tile must be added
  • Except for alignment chunk (explained below), last 3 chunks contain board properties:
    • one bit defines possibility of en passant (0 if not possible, 1 otherwise)
    • three bits defines possible en passant (0 to 7, corresponds to files a to h) for current side to move
    • one bit defines side to move (0 for white, 1 for black)
    • three bits for alignment, could be used later for any useful information
    • four bits for castling possibility: [kingside black], [queenside black], [kingside white], [queenside black]
  • If needed for alignment, a "lonely" 1111 chunk is added at the end, just ignore it when decoding.
  • Other chunks define pieces.

Pieces Notation

The least significant bit [___x] defines color of a piece. 0 for white, 1 for black.
Other bits define the type of a piece:
0 [000] - pawn
1 [001] - knight
2 [010] - bishop
3 [011] - rook
4 [100] - queen
5 [101] - king

Skip notation

If there are empty tiles between two pieces, a skip used.
Skip is a pair of chunks (which is a byte) - the first chunk is 11__, the second is ____

Skip defines a distance between pieces (in other words, how much tiles you should skip).
Note: as the first chunk starts with 11.., those bits are not used, which leaves 6 meaningful bits or maximum of 63 tiles to be skipped.


0001 11000010 0001 - two black pawns [0001] with two empty tiles [000010] between them


Reference implementation can be found under chessbyte.py file

Input format

Input for python .chss encoder is a dictionary with these pairs:

  • (x, y): piece, where:
    • x is an integer from 0 to 7, corresponds to files a to h
    • y is an integer from 0 to 7, corresponds to ranks 1 to 8
    • piece is a string of two characters: w/b for side and p/n/b/r/q/k for piece
  • "en_passant": file, if en passant is possible (if not, don't include this field)
  • "side": "w"/"b"
  • "castling": array of castling possibilites, containing each possible castling:
    • "wk": kingside castling of white king
    • "bk": kingside castling of black king
    • "wq": queenside castling of white king
    • "bq": queenside castling of black king


chessbyte.decode(chss_bytes: bytes) -> dict
chessbyte.encode(data: dict) -> bytes


Examples can be found in examples folder of repo.