
Dark theme for GitHub

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Dark

Dark theme for GitHub. Still in early development, has a lot of white spots.



  1. Install Stylus for your browser (or any other style manager capable of dealing with UserCSS)
  2. Open style page - Stylus (or whatever you've installed) should open the installation page
  3. Be happy with the theme or install extra fonts

beta branch

You can install style from beta branch. It has the latest fixes and some experimenting on color scheme. Also it can contain issues (like some new color issues etc.)


  • Dark, clean style without extra shadows or borders
  • Syntax highlihting inspired by ayu theme

Known issues

  • Contribution feed looks awful (can't be fixed with CSS-only, I'll make a script for that)
  • Some pages (e.g. this) still have wrong colors. If you find something like this, please fill an issue

Extra fonts

Unfortunately, GitHub doesn't allow importing fonts, so this styles relies on default GitHub fonts.
Still, style can use two extra fonts: Fira Code for monospace and Inter for everything else.
Install those on your device to get a nicer appearance.


Main Page

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