
independent json-server for ICSMS project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


for ICSMS project

How to run


node server.js

or any of:

npm run watch
npm run dev
npm run start

The above runs a json-server in localhost in port 8000!

to run on port 3005, do:

PORT=3005 npm run start

The default port is hard-coded as 8000 server.js, but can be overridden with PORT=...

The json-server serves the data that is hard-coded in the file db.json. This data includes ICSMS "products", and "investigations".

The json-server also serves image files stored in ./public sub-directory. These are images of the products. The file name of each image is the uuid of the product.

http://localhost:8000/4dab8aaa-ba6a-4674-a273-f493b43981c8.jpeg can be used to get the file 4dab8aaa-ba6a-4674-a273-f493b43981c8.jpeg from the public sub-dir. http://localhost:8000/icsms retrieves the whole icsms collection, http://localhost:8000/icsms/2 retrieves a single row (with id 2)


according to https://javascript.plainenglish.io/how-to-set-up-deploy-fake-rest-api-server-using-json-server-24e26dc1d120

after successful deployment, access: https://icsms-json-server.vercel.app/ https://icsms-json-server.vercel.app/icsms


add a public deployment in Vercel so that this data can be used by the public deployed application.