--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source code repository contains an implementation of the Stream Control Transmission Protocol, as per RFC 4960. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2000 by Siemens AG, Munich, Germany. Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Andreas Jungmaier Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Thomas Dreibholz Realized in co-operation between Siemens AG and the Institute of Computer Networking Technology, University of Essen, Germany. Acknowledgement This work was partially funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) of the Federal Republic of Germany (Förderkennzeichen 01AK045). The authors alone are responsible for the contents. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that you must have glib version 1.2 and/or 2.0 installed in order for the compilation to succeed! GLIB is a generic C-library for things like lists, arrays, timers etc. Should you not have it installed, you can obtain it for most OS's from ftp://www.gtk.org/pub/gtk/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just use prompt> tar xvfz sctplib-1.0.14-XYZ.tar.gz and you get a new directory sctplib-1.0.14-XYZ cd into that and type ./configure or ./configure --help After that use make (or gmake under FreeBSD) to compile the library! Happy SCTPing! :-) It contains a number of files that are shortly described hereafter: AUTHORS : People who have produced this code. COPYING : The license to be applied for using/compiling/distributing this code. INSTALL : Basic installation notes. NEWS : Changes from release to release. README : This file TODO : A more or less complete list of missing features/known problems, etc. sctplib : A directory containig the files belonging to the SCTP implementation. This will contain the actual executable called <sctp>. sctplib/sctp : contains the files for the actual library, which will be named libsctp.a. Also contains the necessary include file sctp.h sctplib/manual : A subdirectory containing some tex files and a PDF manual, describing general implementation features, the API, and the example programs. Now also in PostScript. PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOCUMENTATION IS SLIGHTLY OUT OF DATE ! IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THIS, FEEL FREE TO CONTRIBUTE UPDATES... But promised: we will be working on that, and there will be a new manual after release of sctplib-1.0.14 ! sctplib/docs: This subdirectory will contain documentation after the build process, that has been automatically derived from the source code.