
ISO8583 Web Simulator - Built with Go!

Primary LanguageGo

Update: 22nd August 2016 - Included ability to define servers (see last bottom image)
Update: 30th August 2016 - Moved images to wiki

Iso Websim is a ISO8583 simulator built using golang (http://golang.org). It provides a simple interface to load ISO specifications. The specifications themselves are defined in text file (more information on developing your own specs can be found in the [this] (./specs/isoSpec.spec?raw=true) file which you can use as a sample to start with.

You can load an existing trace or create an ISO message from scratch and send it to an ISO host (identified by host and a port).

The main program is started by the file isosim/isosim.go

###Disclaimers and bugs that I know of

  • ⚠️ Please note that this application has been tested on chrome only (version 51.0.2704.103).
  • ⚠️ Nested fields are supported only for bitmapped fields


C:>go run isosim.go -help
  -dataDir string
        Directory to store messages (data sets). This is a required field.
        true if debug logging should be enabled. (default true)
  -htmlDir string
        Directory that contains any HTML's and js/css files etc. (default ".")
  -httpPort int
        Http port to listen on. (default 8080)
  -specDefFile string
        The file containing the ISO spec definitions. (default "isoSpec.spec")
exit status 2

###Starting Isosim C:\go run isosim.go -httpPort 8080 -specDefFile specs\isoSpecs.spec -htmlDir .\html

And now open chrome and hit this URL http://localhost:8080/iso/home

Read more about this on the wiki