DBML parser and builder for Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

DBML parser for Python

Compliant with DBML v2.5.3 syntax

PyDBML is a Python parser and builder for DBML syntax.

The project was rewritten in May 2022, the new version 1.0.0 is not compatible with versions 0.x.x. See details in Upgrading to PyDBML 1.0.0.


PyDBML requires Python v3.8 or higher


You can install PyDBML using pip:

pip3 install pydbml

Quick start

To parse a DBML file, import the PyDBML class and initialize it with Path object

>>> from pydbml import PyDBML
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> parsed = PyDBML(Path('test_schema.dbml'))

or with file stream

>>> with open('test_schema.dbml') as f:
...     parsed = PyDBML(f)

or with entire source string

>>> with open('test_schema.dbml') as f:
...     source = f.read()
>>> parsed = PyDBML(source)
>>> parsed

The parser returns a Database object that is a container for the parsed DBML entities.

You can access tables inside the tables attribute:

>>> for table in parsed.tables:
...     print(table.name)

Or just by getting items by index or full table name:

>>> parsed[1]
<Table 'public' 'order_items'>
>>> parsed['public.countries']
<Table 'public' 'countries'>

Other attributes are:

  • refs — list of all references,
  • enums — list of all enums,
  • table_groups — list of all table groups,
  • project — the Project object, if was defined.

Generate SQL for your DBML Database by accessing the sql property:

>>> print(parsed.sql)  # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
CREATE TYPE "orders_status" AS ENUM (
CREATE TYPE "product status" AS ENUM (
  'Out of Stock',
  'In Stock',
CREATE TABLE "orders" (
  "user_id" int UNIQUE NOT NULL,
  "status" "orders_status",
  "created_at" varchar

Generate DBML for your Database by accessing the dbml property:

>>> parsed.project.items['author'] = 'John Doe'
>>> print(parsed.dbml)  # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Project "test_schema" {
    author: 'John Doe'
    Note {
        'This schema is used for PyDBML doctest'
Enum "orders_status" {
Enum "product status" {
    "Out of Stock"
    "In Stock"
Table "orders" {
    "id" int [pk, increment]
    "user_id" int [unique, not null]
    "status" "orders_status"
    "created_at" varchar
Table "order_items" {
    "order_id" int
    "product_id" int
    "quantity" int [default: 1]