
The website for ÆSIR - Association of Engineering Students in Rocketry

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Netlify Status

Build Status

ÆSIR Website

This is the repository of the website of ÆSIR - Association of Engineering Students in Rocketry. Improvements are welcome!

Requirements to run

To run this project, the following dependencies are needed:


Development is done by first installing all dependencies in the directory where the repository was cloned:

~/your-dir/aesir-website> yarn

Then, starting a development server is as simple as:

~/your-dir/aesir-website> yarn start

The console will output something similar to

~/your-dir/aesir-website> yarn start
=> [✓] App serving at http://localhost:3000

This is the URL where the dev server have started.


Deployment is done automatically with Netlify on all pull requests and on commits to master.