
This site contains lecture notes for Life Contingencies, also known as Actuarial Mathematics. It is part of the Open Actuarial Textbooks project.

Primary LanguageTeX

Open Actuarial Textbooks Project Goal

The goal is to have the actuarial community author our textbooks in a collaborative fashion. GitHub provides a natural development environment to achieve this goal. See the Open Actuarial Textbooks Project Site for more information about this project.

Loss Data Analytics

Most of the work has been done on modeling Loss Data. See our GitHub Site for more information about these efforts.

Life Contingencies

We are also starting to organize several sets of notes for Life Contingencies, also known as Actuarial Mathematics and Long Term Actuarial Mathematics.

The folder, LifeCon1, contains lecture notes from Edward (Jed) Frees, University of Wisconsin-Madison. The folder, LifeCon2, contains lecture notes from Paul Johnson, also University of Wisconsin-Madison. You can look over these lecture notes in .pdf format by clicking lifeCon1 and lifeCon2, respectdively. Epub versions are available at our Life Contingences Project Site (hit the down-arrown next to the file that you wish to download). We are currently working on converting lecture notes from Jay Vadiveloo, University of Connecticut. His files (in Microsoft Word) are also available at our Life Contingences Project Site.

Examples from Loss Data Analytics

With the source code on this GitHub site, you can modify, combine and improve these source codes. The folders LifeCon1 and LifeCon2 allow users to compile output in .pdf, .epub, and .html formats. See our Getting Started folder in the Loss Data Analytics repository. We are using an R package called bookdown to produce our books. A major advantage of this approach is that it allows us to automatically produce .html output for interactive use, a .pdf version for offline viewing, and an .epub version for mobile devices. To illustrate the .html output, you can check out our draft of the Loss Data Analytics book at Online Version from R Bookdown .

Your Help

As described in our License, anyone can use these files. Especially at this early stage of the project, if you want to help and would like more info, please write Jed Frees jfrees@bus.wisc.edu.