A tutorial spring boot app. Implements a cart as a restful micro-service. Works with the mysql database.
App connects to a local mysql-server 5.1+. Developed and tested on Ubuntu 15.04. Make sure to create a new database and permissions as following:
The default maven goals can be followed: mvn clean install compile package
to produce target/yycart-0.1.0.jar
There are also integration tests that can be triggered by mvn package -DskipTests=false
Start a server with ./run-server.sh
in a separate terminal. Tomcat has default settings to occupy a port 8080.
A client part ./client.py
will execute a bunch of http requests commands, to make sure that one can easily consume the returned JSON with JS frontend.
Implementation is rather rough, but may serve as a boilerplate code for rest microservices. Comments can be sent to eugeny.yakimovitch@gmail.com
wbr, yy