
Python/Django API for BracketFun applications

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status

BracketFun API

Python/Django API for the BracketFun web application. This will serve the BracketFun web client. The README.md in that that repo is more interesting.

Local development setup

BracketFun-API uses Python 3.4

To install dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Postgres setup

  1. Install Postgres
  2. Create user bracket_app with password bracket_pass
  3. Create database bracketfun
  4. DATABASE_URL=postgres://bracket_app:bracket_pass@localhost:5432/bracketfun
  5. Use ./manage makemigrations tournament and ./manage migrate to create DB tables

To reset DB on Heroku (drops tables):

$ heroku pg:reset --app bracketfun-api DATABASE

To reset DB locally:

$ ./manaage.py flush

Heroku setup

You should be able to run with ./manage.py runserver, but it is better to use Heroku locally, to minimize differences between dev and production.

To run locally, install Heroku toolbelt, and use:

$ heroku local

To run tests:

$ ./manage.py test