
A news summary web app using APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Day Today


This app grabs the top 10 headlines from the Guardian newspaper API and displays them on the homepage. Clicking on a headline will show a summary of the article using the Aylien API and then allow the user to click through to the full article on the Guardian website. This single page web app uses pure JavaScript with HTML and CSS and is my first project using APIs in JavaScript. See more about my design process.


Clone the repo on the command line by running

git clone git@github.com:ewintram/news-summary-challenge.git


To launch the app use a static server e.g. http-server

Navigate to http://localhost:8080

Headline view page

Headline view page

Article summary view page

Article summary view page

Running tests

Testing is in pure JavaScript. To run the tests, open 'SpecRunner.html' in the browser and open the console to see the results.


Eleanor Wintram

Design process

MVC pattern

MVC news summary

User Stories

As a busy politician
I can see all of today's headlines in one place
So I know what the big stories of the day are
As a busy politician
I can click a link to see the original news article
So that I can get an in depth understanding of a very important story
As a busy politician
So I can get a few more details about an important story
I can see a summary of a news article
As a busy politician
So that I have something nice to look at
I can see a picture to illustrate each news article when I browse headlines


Headlines page

Headlines page mockup

Article summary page

Article page mockup

Still to implement

  • Front end view for the results of the testing framework.
  • Mocking the API response.

User stories

As a busy politician
Just in case my laptop breaks
I can read the site comfortably on my phone
As a busy politician
To make my news reading more fun
I can see whizzy animations in the app