
Online REPL for 15+ languages.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Deprecation notice: This project is no longer actively maintained because we're moving language sandboxes to the server for a faster, complete, and up-to-date implementations. You can use our API.


An online environment for interactively exploring programming languages, based on jsREPL.

Current Languages

  • JavaScript Variants

    • JavaScript
    • CoffeeScript
    • Kaffeine
    • Move
    • JavaScript.next
  • Esoteric

    • Bloop
    • Brainfuck
    • Unlambda
    • Emoticon
  • Classic

    • Quick Basic
    • Forth
  • Serious

    • Scheme
    • Lua
    • Python
    • Ruby (beta)

Getting the Code

git clone git://github.com/replit/repl.it.git
cd repl.it
git submodule update --init --recursive


curl https://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh

Using npm:

npm install coffee-script
npm install -g coffee-script

Using easy_install:

easy_install Pygments

Using pip:

pip install Pygments

Running repl.it

repl.it comes bundled with a static node HTTP file server and a CoffeeScript file watcher & (re)-compiler:

./server.js 8888

repl.it can then be opened at http://localhost:8888/index.html.


repl.it is available under the MIT license. External libraries used in repl.it may use other licenses. Please check each library for its specific license.