
High score demo application for the Spring PowerWorkshop at JAX 2011

Primary LanguageJava

Workspace for JAX 2011 Spring PowerWorkshop

This is the sample solution and workspace for the JAX 2011 PowerWorkshop.

To use it:
- Download SpringSource Tool Suite from http://www.springsource.com/landing/best-development-tool-enterprise-java .
- Start it with a new empty workspace

- Choose File -> Import... 
- In the dialog choose the General section
- Choose "Existing Projects into Workspace"
- Click "Next"

- Choose "Select root directory"
- Press "Browse..."
- Select the directory that contains this ReadMe.txt as the root.

- Click "Finish"

- Please refer to the 01-domain.roo, 02-emailservice.roo and 03-WebForService.roo for more descriptions