This demo uses Dapr as an environment for microservices.
This project creates a complete microservice demo system. The services are implemented in Java using Spring Boot.
It uses three microservices:
to accept orders.Shipping
to ship the orders.Invoicing
to ship invoices.
See How to run.
Check out the video Microservices with Dapr (German with auto-translated subtitles in your preferred language). Other formats including a Podcast are available at Software Architektur im Stream.
The microservices are:
- microservice-dapr-order to create the orders
- microserivce-dapr-shipping for the shipping
- microservice-dapr-invoicing for the invoices
The microservices have an Java main application in src/test/java
run them stand alone. microservice-demo-shipping and
microservice-demo-invoicing both use a stub for the
other order service for the tests.
The data of an order is copied - including the data of the customer and the items. So if a customer or item changes in the order system this does not influence existing shipments and invoices. It would be odd if a change to a price would also change existing invoices. Also only the information needed for the shipment and the invoice are copied over to the other systems.
The job to poll the order feed is run every 30 seconds.