
Simple Last.fm scrobbler for MPD written in Perl

Primary LanguagePerl

Logo amfm

Simple Last.fm scrobbler for MPD written in Perl;


yaourt -S perl-try-tiny perl-list-moreutils perl-www-curl perl-any-uri-escape perl-json perl-net-ping-external

How it works

This scrobbler is designed to scrobble internet radio. amfm uses MPD 'currentsong' command to fetch a title of the song. Before submitting any track amfm searches for correct track name and artist using Last.fm API 'track.search' method. If search results looks good enough then amfm updates 'Now Playing' status and scrobbles the corrected track after 30 seconds playback.

amfm does not yet store any history so it scrobbles tracks only when it's possible to connect to Last.fm right away.

Please keep in mind that this is still a work-in-progress.


Parsing arbitrary song title without any additional information is a bit of a pain, so few compromises had to be made:

  • remix additions are stripped from titles, if possible;
  • titles containing no information about artist are skipped;


There's not much configuration available yet. Everything script needs can be supplied through the environment variables:

    perl amfm.pl --start|--stop|--restart