Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Weight Agnostic Neural Networks

Code to reproduce and extend the experiments in 'Weight Agnostic Neural Networks' by Adam Gaier and David Ha.

This repository is split into 4 parts:

  • WANN: Self-contained code for replicating the experiments in the paper. If you just want to look at the details of the implementation this is the code for you.

  • prettyNEAT: A general implementation of the NEAT algorithm -- used as an inspiration and departure point for WANNs. Performs simultaneous weight and topology optimization. If you want to do your own unrelated neuroevolution experiments with numpy and OpenAI Gym this is the code for you.

  • prettyNeatWann: WANNs implemented as a fork of prettyNEAT -- inherits methods and structures from prettyNEAT. If you want to heavily modify or do extensive experiments with WANNs this is the code for you.

  • WANNTool: If you want to fine tune the weights of an existing WANN and test their performance over many trials, this is the code for you.

Install python library

  1. pip install box2d
  2. pip install matplotlib
  3. pip install mpi4py

How to construct LunarLande neural network?

cd prettyNeatWann
python wann_train.py -p p/LunarLander.json -n 8 



git clone https://github.com/google/brain-tokyo-workshop


cd brain-tokyo-workshop/WANNRelease/WANN

Ctrl-c 中斷後子線程可能還留著

這段 shell script 可以幫助你解決這個問題

kill -9 `ps aux | grep wann_train | tr -s ' ' | cut -d" " -f2`

使用 cartpole

python wann_train.py -p p/laptop_swing.json -n 8


使用 cartpole

python wann_test.py -p p/swingup.json -i champions/swing.out --nReps 3 --view True


-p 會讀入設定檔,p 這個資料夾放了許多不同環境的設定檔 -n 使用多少個thread去跑 task 使用的環境 maxGen 演化(訓練)的回合數


    "maxGen": 1024,
    "alg_nReps": 3,
    "popSize": 192,
    "select_eliteRatio": 0.2,
    "select_tournSize": 8


    "alg_nReps": 4,
    "maxGen": 2048,
    "popSize": 480,
    "prob_initEnable": 0.25,
    "select_tournSize": 16


git clone https://github.com/ex7763/WANN
cd prettyNeatWann


case 1  -- Linear
case 2  -- Unsigned Step Function
case 3  -- Sin
case 4  -- Gausian with mean 0 and sigma 1
case 5  -- Hyperbolic Tangent [tanh] (signed)
case 6  -- Sigmoid unsigned [1 / (1 + exp(-x))]
case 7  -- Inverse
case 8  -- Absolute Value
case 9  -- Relu
case 10 -- Cosine
case 11 -- Squared



chmod +x train.sh
./train.sh "env_name" "[list of activation function you want]"

# example, the "quotation mark" is nee
./train.sh swingup "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]"
./train.sh biped "[1, 3, 4, 7]"

訓練完後產生的modellog的資料夾,檔名為<env_name>_<date> 如下圖中的swingup_2020-06-01_13-43-23.out...



python draw.py --model_path log/swingup_2020-06-01_13-43-23.out_best.out --env=swingup


$ python wann_test.py -p my_s.json -i log/swingup_2020-06-01_13-43-23.out_best.out 
        *** Running with hyperparameters:  my_s.json    ***
[***]   Fitness: [ 89.21 124.45  82.87   3.96   7.16   5.44] 
[***]   Weight Values:   [-2.  -1.  -0.5  0.5  1.   2. ]


修改 my_s.json,並參考https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/google/brain-tokyo-workshop@73eb4531746825203a3c591896a79ac563d393e7/-/blob/WANNRelease/prettyNeatWann/p/hypkey.txt中的說明