
Repository for Power BI Custom Connectors

MIT LicenseMIT

Custom Connector

This page is the home of Certified Custom Connectors for Power BI.

To enable Custom Connectors in Power BI:

  1. Enable the Custom data connectors preview feature in Power BI Desktop (under File | Options and settings | Custom data connectors)
  2. Restart Power BI Desktop

To install a Custom Connector, please click through to the connector you need, download it, and save it in one of two locations. Go to My Documents.

  1. If you have a folder 'Documents/Microsoft Power BI Desktop/Custom Connectors', save it in that folder.

  2. If you don't, create a folder 'Documents/Power BI Desktop/Custom Connectors', and save it there. This is the folder that will contain custom connectors in the future, and will override the previous folder. If connectors in the 'Microsoft Power BI Desktop' folder aren't showing up, it's likely because you created a 'Power BI Desktop' folder.

This connector should now show up when you 'Get Data' in Power BI.

As of today, you are only able to use these connectors in Power BI Desktop. You will shortly be able to use connectors using 'Import' mode in the Power BI service via the On Premise Data Gateway - Personal, with support for both this and Direct Query coming to the Power BI Service via the On Premise Data Gateway - Enterprise coming in Q3.

Connector Support

Microsoft is responsible for distribution and certification of the connectors. Support requests for the connector itself should be sent to the the partner that wrote the connector.

Connector Development

While new and improved Connector Development documentation will be coming shortly, you can find currently available documentation here.

Connector Certification

If you are curious about connector certification, please contact the DataConnectors@microsoft.com alias.


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Microsoft and any contributors grant you a license to any code in the repository under the MIT License, see the LICENSE file. Microsoft, Power BI, Microsoft Azure or other Microsoft products and services referenced in the documentation may be either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft in the United States and/or other countries. The licenses for this project do not grant you rights to use any Microsoft or contributor names, logos, or trademarks. Microsoft's general trademark guidelines can be found at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=254653. Contact a contributor for its trademark guidelines.
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