Assignment 1: Datalink layer: Topology

Due Sep 25, 2019, 11:59PM (GMT+8)


Mininet enables you to quickly create, interact with, customize and share a software defined network(SDNs) prototype, and provides a smooth path to running on hardware with a single command: $ sudo mn Then you should see this,

*** Starting CLI:

Use mininet> quit() to exit mininet.
More common usage of Mininet is through: $ sudo mn --MANY_ADDITION_ARGUMENT
And you can even write a python script to run Mininet
$ sudo python including from mininet.SOMETHING import SOMETHING_YOU_NEED in .py file

The following part and Assignment is basically follows the tutorial

Next we will show you some Mininet basic function, you can open the .ipynb file with Anaconda Jupyter Notebook or just type the command in Ubuntu Terminal.

i.e. the code in Notebook !echo $pd | sudo -S mn --custom --topo mytopo --test pingall works equally with command sudo mn --custom --topo mytopo --test pingall in Terminal.

But I still highly recommend you using Notebook benefiting from its real-time feedback.

Part 1

See details in Readme.ipynb

Part 2

See details in Readme.ipynb

Please submit your code before Sep 26

Late submission of homeworks and assignments is not accepted.

Don't forget your bonus check during next lab or TAs' office hour.