
Exakat community edition

Primary LanguagePHP


The Exakat Engine is an automated code reviewing engine for PHP.


Quick installation

Copy-paste the following code in your terminal. This was tested on OSX and Linux-debian.

mkdir exakat
cd exakat
curl -O -J 'https://www.exakat.io/versions/index.php?file=latest'
curl -O -J 'https://www.exakat.io/versions/index.php?file=latest.md5'
md5sum -c exakat-*.md5
// Example : 
// exakat-2.6.0.phar: OK

mv exakat-*.phar exakat.phar

php exakat.phar install -v 

php exakat.phar doctor

Installation with docker

The docker usage is detailled in the installation documentation.

docker pull exakat/exakat:latest

Saas Services

Exakat has a enterprise version, available online at exakat.io.

Run online

Projects smaller than 10k lines of code may be tested online, with the most recent version of exakat.


See CONTRIBUTING.md for information on how to contribute to the Exakat engine.


See Changelog.txt for information on how to contribute to the Exakat engine.