
Java builder for error messages

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Java Error Reporting

Build Status Maven Central – error-reporting-java

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This project contains a Java-Builder for Exasol error messages. The invocations of the Builder can be parsed by the error-code-crawler-maven-plugin.


Simple Messages

ExaError.messageBuilder("E-TEST-1").message("Something went wrong.").toString();

Result: E-TEST-1: Something went wrong.


You can specify placeholders in the message and replace them with parameters values, as follows:

    .message("Unknown input: {{input}}.")
    .parameter("input", "unknown", "The illegal user input.").toString();


E-TEST-2: Unknown input: 'unknown'.`

The optional third parameter for parameter(placeholder, value, description) is used by the error-code-crawler-maven-plugin to generate a parameter description.

From version 0.3.0 on you can achieve the same result by specifying the parameter values directly in the message() method. This is a convenience variant that is a little more compact, but lacks the chance to describe the parameter.

    .message("Message with {{first-parameter}} and {{second-parameter}}.", "first value", "second value").toString();


E-TEST-2: Message with 'q-value' and uq-value.

Automatic Quoting

When replacing placeholders in messages, ExaError quotes the values according to your choices. If you don't specify a quoting option in a placeholder, you get auto-quoting. In this mode values are quoted depending on their type.

Type Quoted with Example Since version
String single quotes 'Hello world!'
Character / char single quotes 'A'
Path single quotes '/etc/cron.d' 1.0.0
File single quotes '~/.bashrc' 1.0.0
URI single quotes 'URN:ISBN:0-330-28700-1' 1.0.0
URL single quotes 'https://example.org' 1.0.0
null values pointy brackets <null>
everything else not quoted 42, 3.1415, true

Manual Quoting

If you need a different quoting style, you can add switches to the placeholder definition:

u : unquoted

q : forced single quotes

d : forced double quotes

If multiple conflicting switches are given, the one with the highest precedence (see list above) is taken.

Switches are separated with a pipe symbol | from the parameter name.

    .message("Unknown input: {{input|u}}.")
    .parameter("input", "unknown", "The illegal user input.").toString();


E-TEST-2: Unknown input: unknown.


The mitigations describe actions the user can take to resolve the error. Here is an example of a mitigation definition:

    .message("Not enough space on device.")
    .mitigation("Delete something.")


E-TEST-2: Not enough space on device. Delete something.

You can use parameters in mitigations too.

    .message("Not enough space on device {{device}}.")
    .mitigation("Delete something from {{device}}.")
    .parameter("device", "/dev/sda1", "name of the device")


E-TEST-2: Not enough space on device '/dev/sda1'. Delete something from '/dev/sda1'.`

You can chain mitigation definitions if you want to tell the users that there is more than one solution.

    .message("Not enough space on device.")
    .mitigation("Delete something.")
    .mitigation("Create larger partition.")


E-TEST-2: Not enough space on device. Known mitigations:
* Delete something.
* Create larger partition.

Never Change the Meaning of an Error

If you have an error that does not fit anymore or was wrong to begin with, don't reuse the error code. Instead, remove the old one and create a new one with a new code.

What you can do is fix typos in error, improve the readability or make them more detailed. But you should never change the meaning of an existing error.

Removing Obsolete Error Codes

In order to ensure a linear history of the error codes, developers should not reuse old error codes.

So when you plan to remove an obsolete error code:

  1. Remove it from the implementation

  2. Leave the highest-index in the error_code_config.yml untouched.

    Even if you deleted the entry with the highest number. The whole purpose of that index is to help avoid reusing error codes.

  3. Do not reuse the error code (see "Never Change the Meaning of an Error").

Information for Users

Information for Developers