
A bot to get product description, product sizes, product price

Primary LanguagePython


A bot to get product description, product sizes, product price


  • run virtualenv -p python3.6 venv to create a virtual environment
  • activate the virtual environment using source venv/bin/activate
  • run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all dependencies


  • run the program using python scraperbot.py

  • after running the program you will see a data.csv has been generated it contains the following data in the respective order

    data.csv contents:-

    • product title (string)
    • product description (string)
    • product price (string)
    • product colors (array)
    • product image url (string)
    • product sizes (array)

Other Requirements

  • To enable the proxy feature you need to ensure that you are running tor on you local computer, to download tor browser visit https://www.torproject.org/download/, once downloaded start the browser and set proxy=True while calling bot.start()