
A WIP program to mimic the chain reaction game

Primary LanguagePython

Chain Reaction AI

An AI that will help in winning the game of chain reaction, this is based on mini-max algorithm.


  • There can be N number of players, each player is assigned a unique color for distinction. where N >= 2
  • A player picks a position on the board, that will result in incrementation of the value at that position.
  • On incrementation 3 senarios are possible for a player:-
    • Hijack another position(Occupied by another player).
    • Take another position.
    • Increment value held by you at a particular position.
  • Increment behaviour:-
    • If your position to be incremented is a non edge position, if value is 3, on incrementation, your current position becomes 0, and immediate neighbors(LRTD) will get incremented by +1, this can also result in hijacking, and recursive.
    • If your position is an edge:-
      • If your position is the edge of a row and coloumn, immediate 2 neighbors, will get incremented by 1.
      • If you position is an edge of a row or a coloumn, 3 immediate neighbors are incremented by 1
  • Goal is to hijack all players until only 1 is left.